Its Black and White

The Greatest Gift of the Spirit

Is the Spirit and the Spirit can only grow as you feed HIM the word, stand on the word of G-d written by the Spirit of G-d so that you can endure sound doctrine and not fall for the doctrines of devils. Below is series of videos of people I respect who can discern good over evil,  see if you can agree. The church is viewed in a bad light that is why we should expose the frauds who put us there.  How can we win many when so many are mislead who claim to follow Christ?

Devils, teach that your visionaries are not accountable, there are no elders in leadership to correct them is a doctrine of demons. Do not rely on feelings and emotions. We are to defend the word of G-d, not our feelings or emotions.

1 Peter 5:1-14  The elders which are among you I exhort, who am also an elder, and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed: (2) Feed the flock of G-d which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind; (3) Neither as being lords over G-d’s heritage, but being ensamples to the flock. (4) And when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away. (5) Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another and be clothed with humility: for G-d resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble. (6) Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of G-d, that he may exalt you in due time: (7) Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. (8) Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: (9) Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. (10) But the G-d of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you. (11) To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. (12) By Silvanus, a faithful brother unto you, as I suppose, I have written briefly, exhorting, and testifying that this is the true grace of G-d wherein ye stand. (13) The church that is at Babylon, elected together with you, saluteth you; and so doth Marcus my son. (14) Greet ye one another with a kiss of charity. Peace be with you all that are in Christ Jesus. Amen.

G-d has entrusted me with the special task of bringing peace into the middle east he has given me the same lamps the enemy once possessed, to do it.  That is why he want’s to cover me in gold bullion worth trillions.  He values truth and integrity,  he looks into the heart of man and determines who will not compromise HIS Son’s teachings. Who will stand on HIS word and who would distort it to allow pagans to remain pagan.

You look for the man of perdition at the top of the hill, and G-d is not letting the enemy make that decision, how would that bring him glory?  G-d seeks to punish the wicked, but prefer they repent, so he grants mercy.  Jesus still has 3.5 years left to HIS seven to finish the task.

G-d is glorified when he takes the foolish things and makes them shine. A truck driver (transportation)  for LAND (to) AIR EXPRESS.  Has hidden HUMOR in it,  that only a Christian with the HOLY SPIRIT could appreciate that or my last name divinely given me meaning Beautiful place.  I am in love with the Jesus of scripture.

I am asked by the half-hearted like those who turned Lucifer against G-d to compromise and embrace the very ones who forfeited the money for America’s power. 700 billion doesn’t grow on trees; its proof America is not ours anymore, and it points the finger at the guilty party.

Why would I  give back to Goliath the weapons he was using to defeat us? The devil protects his treasury with human souls who are blind and cannot see.  Jesus said that he the devil came only to steal,  kill,  and destroy.   Keeping us in bondage is his delight as we fight for the scraps he leaves us.

I intend to give to those of sound Biblical doctrine which do not support Charlatans the funds G-d is providing me.  The statement G-d’s Son’s honor is worth the world should not be hard for true believers to admit however the demons would never concede to such a message.

You are welcome to join us in our celebrations of the soon and coming King but to be blessed by the Treasury, repentance will be made.

You are not sound in your doctrine if you think Benny Hinn is filled with the Spirit of G-d. I again welcome you to join us in our celebrations of the soon and coming King but to be blessed by the Treasury; repentance will be made to reach Benny’s soul.

All one needs to do is search his name on youtube and educate yourself.  He should be doing it as well.  Benny has made a joke of our faith and HIS absurd claims of what G-d is going to do or not do is negligent and dishonoring to G-d.  He is trying to claim a relationship that doesn’t exist.

I was telling people in 2009 that we as the body of Christ had 700 billion dollars coming to do the harvest.  Benny takes, and I wish to give so that Jesus name will be glorified in the earth.  Our G-d has done great things for us, and it isn’t through Benny that HE has done it.

Come Lou and side with us if we all stand together we can take the kingdom by force! We will even make you the leader.  All the time G-d is in the inside listening, Lucifer was only the light bearer and because of what he carried was covered in precious stones.  Me it’s just gold bullion.

Praise G-d for sorting it out in the end to who really loves him and who does not. When a minister tells me the best way to win demonically influenced people is to unite with them, he is conceding to not trusting G-d; we are to love our enemies not join forces to overthrow the kingdom. You will get left behind.  I will never admit to any priesthood other than a brother “Born Again” who is of the royal lineage,  blood bought,  blood respected,  teachings recognized.

You will get left behind.  I will never admit to any priesthood other than a brother “Born Again” who is of the royal lineage,  blood bought,  blood respected,  teachings recognized.

If you do not love G-d with all your heart mind and soul,  you do not love G-d.    In that relationship, we are to respect his word, his commandments and HIS laws.  We are to understand how important our vows are that we made to HIM.

Many promised to teach his word, and many possess the New World Compromised translations that hide important information concerning the battle and the truth. Now have you kept your vow to G-d if that is what you choose to teach from?  G-d is not going to leave the sheep behind who confess Jesus Christ is Lord and make HIM so,  who read other translations.

This rebuke is for teachers, not the sheep.  Teachers will be judged more intently.   Do you know what is missing and why and who was behind removing it? Why did they do it? What were they hoping to accomplish? If you say unity you are wrong it only has created division and brought in confusion.  The very thing G-d’s word tries to eliminate. Two cannot walk as one unless they are agreed nobody seems to agree with what the word says or means,  thanks to the overtly Jesuit influence in our churches. 

But getting you all to protect their king of the hill position and their wealth they succeeded. They are giving you the Devil’s new world order idea where non-Catholic Christians are eliminated.  That is why Islam will be outnumbering them in the tribulation. The rest of us will be at home with Jesus, and they will pay with what they intended for us. It is Haman’s gallows all over again.  Historically you know aI am right and that 700 billion dollars also proves I am telling the truth.

G-d told me my leadership that will bring in HIS harvest had the proper amount of respects found in his word. If you have no respect for Abel than you have no respect for G-d.    G-d works through Abel when I am done, and the agreement signed I will join you in the rapture,  leaving this frame behind because the enemy needs one and I proved he had one to build his insult to G-d fair is fair.  Oh by the way the reason he builds an image of the beast is because he will be wearing my face and he does not want to see me sitting in his position. You have to love G-d’s sense of humor, HIS plan is perfect.

Think of Jesus as Joseph and me as Benjamin once I came into Egypt we find that what the devil meant for evil G-d meant for good.

Facing east as the sun rises. Where G-d placed the tribe of Judah facing East Lucifer once looked into the glory of G-d what statement is he making here?  The dream Steele tells a powerful story. Written when Abraham’s descendants were slaves in Egypt, it says this was being covered in sand. Was someone trying to hide something?  If I am lifted up, I will draw all men unto me. Thank you, Jesus great plan indeed.


Let’s start this party and bring it home.