The message of God is: That Jesus Christ came as God (Deity) in the flesh and humbled Himself to die (a substitute) in our place as a sinless, perfect, and finished sacrifice, and through His blood to pay the penalty (redemption) of our sin and to satisfy (propitiate) the wrath of God upon sin. He rose from the dead in the (resurrection) power of the Holy Spirit to declare (impute) His righteousness to those who will believe and trust Him as Lord and Saviour. His offer is eternal life to sinners who repent and have faith in who He is and what He did.
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Israel His Beloved… G-d is pleading with the world to see His love for Israel. Men of G-d followers of Christ should rise to the occasion to assist Him in revealing that love. In doing so we can bring about a temporary peace until the true Prince of peace calls us home.
Women like Jewelry. How many Pyramids can you make with the center Puzzle pieces placed in the outer 12 Jewels? Including the center, which is done for you. Three pyramids = 12 triangles divided by four sides. All Jewels add to 13 the most precious is the center one. That is the verse the number of pyramids points to. We find Egypt first in Genesis where pyramids can be found. (Hint)
The Rose of Sharon there are twenty-four petals that make up the 4 stars of Davids. From the stem to the Holy one that holds it out are 8 circles. The Song of Solomon has Eight Chapters there is no verse 24 within the eight. So the best fit is Song of Solomon 2:4 He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love.