Its Black and White

Positive Possession a.k.a. Born Again

We who are of the household of faith have been born anew for the new heavens and the new earth to come.

When we think of possession, it is generally in the negative sense a demonic takeover.  Those who have been born from above and received the holy spirit need not worry about the former type of possession. However, deceit is not off the table and discernment of such matters are heightened by those who walk in the light as HE is in the light.

There are tares among us in our pulpits and in the congregation, and they all defend the harlot.

The elect we are told cannot be deceived. Unfortunately, many deceived people think they are elect.   We know them as cults who deny the deity and finished work of Christ adding to the work as if the work HE has done was not complete.

Look at the vast numbers of people who are ignorant of their need for Christ and are oblivious to the war that is fought in the heavens over their very souls.  We are here because the angels who rebelled denied and insisted on seeing the Son of G-d.

The majority of unbelievers think there is no hell and they do not need to honor Christ as G-d desires him to be honored, they will get in without him. We are here because angels said they did not need him.

In heaven, the sacred heart was in G-d the father at the cross we see HE has placed it to let the world know how deep his love is for us all.  If we want to see the heart of G-d we need to look no further then the first four Gospels of the new testament that testify to the four chambers of the heart. G-d, the FATHER, gave all the credit to G-d the SON for the creation and from where I sit rightly so.  Free will needed a teacher one we could all agree upon.  We are called a Royal Priesthood and a holy nation on the fact we indeed inspected the sacrifice while all others who remain only priests never have.

It was Satan or the fallen light bearer of heaven who sent confusion into the spiritual understanding of the kingdom and allowed for false gods and false priests to make slaves of the people to serve them. The only ones to benefit from such a venture was the devil and the priests who served him.

Throughout history, the false gods of hell and their priests held a king up for the people and forced upon them servitude to such false deities.  I am a Royal Priest, and I hold up only one king to the people and expose all the others,  my King and always shall be Jesus Christ Son of the only true G-d.

You be the Judge who should be the KING OF THE HILL?

Satan sought to be king of the hill and to make it so he sent confusion into the world and had many serve his false religious systems. The priests of Satan held the king or the vehicle he possessed up hailing him as the choice of G-d. Today nothing has changed and we have learned nothing.
Jeremiah 4:28  For this shall the earth mourn, and the heavens above be black: because I have spoken it, I have purposed it, and will not repent, neither will I turn back from it.

The lies start here...Notice the scale it is his the idea of many lost people that G-d weighs the good against ones evil. The truth is no HE does not.

Egypt continues the confusion that began in Babylon the shotgunning of the gods. It is from Egypt we get the idea G-d weighs our good from the bad. It is here the devil gives away his plan to confuse us. Using G-d's chosen Israelites the sons of Abram as slaves to begin operation cover-up. It is here the symbol's of the battle are created and they are oddly created by him (the pyramid and the lion). His demons "fallen angels" possess the ignorant and copy what he has done elsewhere. If Egypt was his home in the leadership then the rest are his summer homes. He sits on top of the hill and under him the priesthood who put him in power.
Here we have the Aztecs (Mexican) a pantheon of gods they served the ones who did not have to work as hard to serve them was the king and the priesthood. Huitzilopochtli (pron. Huit-zi-lo-pocht-li) or ‘Hummingbird of the South’ or ‘Blue Hummingbird on the Left’ was one of the most important deities in the Aztec pantheon and for the Méxica he was the supreme god. He was the god of the sun and war, considered the patron of the Aztec capital Tenochtitlán and associated with gold, warriors and rulers. His calendar name was Ce Técpatl (1 Flint) and his nagual or animal spirit was the eagle.Huitzilopochtli
The Maya world was populated by a great variety of deities, supernatural entities, and sacred forces. The Maya had such a broad interpretation of what was sacred that identifying distinct deities with specific functions is inaccurate. The Maya interpretation of deities was intrinsically tied to the calendar, astronomy, and their cosmovision.[356] The importance of a deity, its characteristics, and its associations varied according to the movement of celestial bodies. The priestly interpretation of astronomical records and books was, therefore, crucial, since the priest would understand which deity required ritual propitiation, when the correct ceremonies should be performed, and what would be an appropriate offering. Human sacrifices were made but you can be sure steak and potatoes were also served among other goodies. On the top of the hill, a king sat as Satan's summer palace from what I understand it still is a great vacation spot.

What I find interesting is that the evangelization by the Catholic's was not to the Christ of Scripture but to their church. We also know Mayan's were gold rich.

When Diego de Landa Calderón (12 November 1524 – 29 April 1579) was a Spanish bishop of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Yucatán. He left future generations with a mixed legacy in his writings, which contain much valuable information on pre-Columbian Maya civilization and his actions, which destroyed much of that civilization's history, literature, and traditions. He is a major figure in the ".Black Legend"

Note in the Christian faith a Bishop is the husband of one wife and his children born of that union are behaved. Now I ask you name seven things they do that Jesus asked them to do?

After having felt he successfully made conversions he went away, when he came back he found they had mixed Jesus with their pagan deities and he slaughtered many of them with his Spanish cohorts. This is akin to the kettle calling the pot black. The problem with a priesthood separate of the Royal Priesthood is ignorance and pride. If the same sacrifice is made over and over has Christ completed his work are they convinced HE is the Son of G-d and came in the flesh once for all?
This one is from Indonesia and though they are today a major player on the world stage they also have their roots in Confucianism and Buddhism again with the priesthood. When I brought to a pastor several of the answers to the crop circles and told him G-d revealed to me what was going on. He told me pyramids would confuse people. He was speaking for the world.
Isn't that what Satan is doing? Is he not one of the deceived? The priesthood serves Satan the Royal Priesthood serves G-d and we should be lifting our King on high which means bringing other false priesthoods low.

The name of Allah does not appear in Abraham's vocabulary or any Christian Content until 500 AD 200 years after Rome took over Christianity and began deceiving the world. G-d wrote into them HIS plan for world peace but because they do not marry or have natural relations with women or children they will never understand true love or Romance. Romans kill they do not love anyone including Jesus Christ.
This one is found off the shores of Cuba such a waste you would think a god would know when a disaster was coming and warn those who serve him or maybe not let them build there at all. My G-d always sends a warning and gives men a small time to repent before the disaster. I serve a great and loving G-d. Like me, you to can have an intimate relationship with HIM, just obey the teachings of HIS only begotten Son.
Below his modern seat of power again using the priesthood to deceive the populace it is where the king of the hill wannabe sat until we gave him something more powerful to go after. His priesthood went and bought it for him. History proves the dragons church steals, kills, and destroy's and no matter how much they have it is never enough. Now thanks to the phony clergy and the lying priesthood the dragon can now finally breathe fire.

There are 888 raised sections. 8 is the number of perfection in a triune grouping like this it all three in agreement Christ is the only way to be protected from death. Psalm 24:1-10

The devil likes power and we made him a home away from home. Where he would feel welcomed but in all honesty he is not welcomed at all.

When you own all the horses in the race! Expect evil to have a hand in it. Their is no Democrat Republican there is only the Vatican.

Only the Royal Priesthood can bring the peace the dragon needs to get his temple built. All other priesthoods cannot make peace they only add confusion and spread lies. Still, it is they who continue hold the King on the Hill and we serve them. Time to end this game that no one wins without Jesus. The true King of the HILL.
Two cannot walk together as one unless we be agreed and I will not agree that Rome has my or your best interest at heart. Their Jesus allows idols to be stumbling blocks to the blind and they use guns to influence societies and cultures while my G-d uses truth.

My website was created to expose the false teachers and to call the children of G-d out of the harlot. A harlot has no loyalty and has no positive possession a person born again would not cause heinous crimes against humanity or abuse children. True saints would not enable others to do so. Those who do will answer to G-d and maybe even hear the words away from me I never knew you.

When I hear such teachings that the wisest man who ever lived was King Solomon, that is not holding up the true wise King who ever walked the earth, Jesus Christ.  It is a wise man who wins souls, and it is Jesus who wins them all. As for Solomon, he built temples to other gods for his many wives.  In not so many words he was telling his women his “loved” ones where they could go.  His honey-do list was never finished, and that alone proves to me he was not the wisest man. Like our Father in heaven, he gave the ones he loved the desires of their hearts.

If the elect cannot be deceived how is it I see so many “men of G-d” claiming that Catholic’s are Christians? These men are weak and fear the teeth of the beast, so they become enablers and allow her to feed on the innocence and instigate wars that our children have to fight in.  The vast majority of the leadership of the harlot have no children to call their own.  Because of their size, the weak Christian is drawn to protect her.  Claiming some Catholic’s do love Jesus.  Trapping her in America is G-d revealing who the problem is.  The many voices within her as leaders live to tell us lies. You are either pure of heart, or you are not.  You cannot serve both the devil and G-d you must choose a side and stick to it.

Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see G-d.

In Boston G-d was moving and sending his angels into the fields, they are a positive possession they hear the voice of G-d more clearly than we.  It is they who shall lift us out at the appointed time. In Boston they were doing a remake of Noah’s ark., the men who thought they knew G-d laughed,  shortly afterward the towers came down. Genesis 11:9 scattered us September 9/11 was to bring us back together to expose the harlot. G-d is going to remake some old Bible stories to help open our eyes, and two of them are Hosea and Esther. Hosea Chapter 6 and Esther Chapter 6.


5 X 5 = 25 and 555 comes before 666 here the angels are targeting their VASSAL’s it is positive possession. But take also careful note of the two dots in each.  One is the spirit of the man, the other the HOLY SPIRIT which you must have.  Yes, Rev. Ernie, I am a dirtbag, but I am G-d’s dirtbag. My King, I will lift while I bring your’s down. The Angels saw how the man treated the Son of G-d and though they lived by faith until he came, they are today more protective than ever and have seen the need for the protection G-d originally placed on HIM. We are called to defend the body of Christ and to weed out the tares among us even if they are in the pulpit.  Force them to see the truth that they instigated the destruction of America by their inability to discern what is good from evil.  Have them repent as an example to all. The bottom line for all who believe,  the Son of G-d’s honor is worth the world.  Finding what I found in Egypt made it a Highlander moment for me making it a chance for your unsaved loved one to see the truth that the battle is real.

The priesthood ended at the cross because that is what G-d was accomplishing destroying the works of Satan,  he began the priesthood that made slaves of men. Lucifer gave us all death and Jesus gives us life and life more abundant.

Hoping you are on my side,

Brother Abel