Its Black and White

The LORD needs to build the house.

Does anyone recall why King David was unable to build the Temple? It was his Son who was able to build it because Solomon was not a man prone to violence. Being wise also helped him to build it as well,  wisdom given to the right people can go a long way to building a house for G-d.

The enemy needs a temple built and freeing some ministers around me,  would go a long way to getting that end accomplished.

It has a lot to do with him (Lucifer Fallen) being bloodied by war,  people who fight in wars know very little about peace.  The house of G-d is one of peace, love, and mercy and only like-minded individuals can get the job done.

Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of G-d. Matthew 5:9

Just remember 5 comes before 6 and 9. I am not bloodied by war nor do I even like them.

I’m sticking with Benjamin as being the other Son. Who acts as a covering at the top of the cross in the wilderness tabernacle, he entered Egypt than the story was told.  I don’t want to be a god,  I like being a Son even if I am only an adopted Son into the house of the LORD.

You get to sit in Father’s lap and talk with HIM that’s what Son’s do.  I never made him a co-pilot in my car or in my big 18 wheel truck I asked HIM while in HIS lap if I could steer. While there I would only listen to Christian Radio,  it is so comforting and heals the heart.

Take the 30-day K-Love radio challenge I dare you, better yet I double dog dare you!

HE has a lot of good things to tell me and I like sharing.  Like how the windows of heaven open to pour out a blessing you cannot contain. Does it help to know this is about lifting up Jesus of scripture, not the counterfeit idol carrying one?

Like Paul a Benjaminite, I seek to champion the church,  it’s the head injury that concerns me that comes after the temple is built.

Still, it is uncertain to who the antichrist is?  It is 10 kings who give one power as G-d places it on their hearts to do so. This is the man who will punish those who rejected Christ because they are left behind,  they were the ones rejecting him, to begin with. It is G-d’s creature performing his purification of the earth acting as a pet to push them into a decision take the chip and end up in hell for eternity or go to heaven and join the party.

We all know what the message is,  in the head that is wounded. If they can’t figure out what’s going on with 100’s of millions of people vanishing in the rapture, then they deserve a leader with a head injury.

Angels as seen on NASA videos the people are standing in the sun as it seems to be enlarged like a lake of fire and the members only area only those who come under and are washed in the blood of Christ. Repentant sinners saved. The rests are demons not allowed in,  shaped as parasites.

The head injury is what goes around comes around.

Fishing season (Pisces) is ending and purification (Aquarius) is coming.

This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius but it is not as any of you expected.

Brother Abel.

First head injury, first to be murdered, first-born man among angels, first shepherd, Jesus is the Alpha and Omega.  Me, I’m Beta at best.  Take away the B in Babel and who would G-d be talking with at the first Kingdom pre-Jesus?  Jesus is, of course, one G-d revealed to the Angels and men as Jesus the only begotten of the Father.  The rider of the Whitehorse that frames the others (RED,  BLACK, and PALE) Jesus said HE wanted to steer,  though HE did like me asking HIM those many years to sit on HIS lap and steer. On earth, as it is in heaven the white horse is to show HE is coming,  HE rides “Benjamin”  the new covering, the brother to Joseph.

The top of the cross the mind of G-d the head of Christ laid here. Found in the western world is Technology to teach theology the covering is Benjamin (duplicitous)  and Joseph’s Son’s represent England and America. The older shall serve the younger. A new covering for the Son temporary of course we are all meant to cover and lift the Son and shine our lights on HIM. The alpha dog in a pack can tell who is not part of the pack.

The phony priesthood lifted up everything but the Son of G-d as G-d desired, so it is up to the Royal Priesthood to help me lift up the true King of Kings.

Christ started HIS ministry early and it was cut short 3.5 years but Lucifer gets SEVEN????  The arrows of the king who holds only a bow is the body of Christ to bring in the harvest.  Jesus is on the inside than at the end rides a true horse on the outside. If HE is in you,  then you know what is happening.

So why are those who claim to have HIM in them playing show us signs and wonders?

Knowledge and explanation of the word does it not help bring you peace or souls to their knees?

Every knee will bow and every tongue confess Jesus Christ is LORD.