Its Black and White

Episode Twenty-one

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Revealing the invisible
In 21 we find 777 or 2+1 = 3 Father, Son and Holy Spirit

777 makes up the star gate like insignia here each point is on the 888 of the twenty and four scrolls that surround the 777.

In this next image the angels are assisting us in revealing to us the war that is around us by exposing the  symbol of the enemy and his reality.
This next image shows the areas where the good bee population is disappearing.

This next image shows us the killer bee population coming into America and causing great harm.

This next image shows you the same thing only with men who are of the killer bee coven who kill as well to protect their phony baloney queen.

Millions can’t be wrong about UFOs???

The darker the area the higher concentration of sightings in the US
Everyone in question concerning UFOs are not born again or in any relationship with G-d.Gene Roddenberry had a distant ancestor, no not really dreams can be powerful and seem extremely real  the lost are easily deceived by demonic forces.  This poor guy just began to learn how to use a mallet and chissel and he is expected to build turbine engines for slick.  He is so impatient!

My Egyptian is a little rusty but this next one in full reads build factory,  melt metal,  fly in machines make bombs DUH!