Its Black and White

Business Card Evangelism

He looks nervous.

God desires that none should perish; missing the next most significant event on God’s calendar would be such a tragedy the whole purpose of it all was to bring us to this.

There are two new sites up to help with getting as many to the cross as possible in the shortest amount of time that I am allotted.

I am about my Father’s business that’s why the websites and the business cards are to get them there.   No matter where you are.

For example, the political and judicial arenas will pick up JUDGEMENTCOMING.COM or GR44GOVERNING.ORG, the technology arenas will go for the SERVEROFALL.COM, while the agriculturalists in us all will go for CROPCIRCLE.INFO (isn’t it time we knew what those were really all about)? Then we have the clergy who miss the point entirely pick up Link2Truth.COM or, the financial districts, and the Jewish areas BENJAMIN.GLOBAL or ABELSHEPHERD.COM. This is simple fishing you put them down in restaurants, in their bathrooms anywhere you would normally put a tract or your own business card for all they know it is your business card, and let the HOLY SPIRIT does the rest.

Let’s say you are at a restaurant and you probably like I have put down a tract down to get the message out, some people just won’t read it visual communication is a teaching tool.  Well do we Father and I have a way to get the word out and it looks like your own personal business card.   I make them so interesting that when you get to the website and hear the word well what could be better?

Each of the cards at SOULWINNINGCARDS.COM is attached to their respective websites for your perusal.

Without dishonoring God’s word and doing things that I know are not from the kingdom of God because their spiritual gravitation is towards apostasy that takes place after one goes under the spiritual blade of lacking discernment. I am not the only man of God who has noticed it,  many questions its integrity it does not make one more sensitive to the desires of God’s heart which is to win the lost to Jesus.

Because if that were the case I would be booked solid. Then I wouldn’t have gotten this all done it will win more than you can possibly imagine.

Everyone who has fallen has gotten back up with a new spirit???? The S’s on the book must mean something either Salvation or to answer my question and reveal to you the truth about slaying in the spirit. The outer binder has 20 S’s for Psalm 20:1-9 emphasis on Psalm 20:8 as there are eight groups of three on the cover directing us to look into God’s word.  3×8= 24 and it is the number of the elders a round God’s HOLY throne. Who shall enter into God’s HOME Psalm 24 tells us Psalm 24:3-4.

You tell me “Born Again” I love Jesus with all my heart Christians how am I going or we going to get the Jewish people to embrace Christ with your Santa Clause and our affection to a mocking priesthood who keeps the word of God from the eyes of man and places idols in place of the word? Pray to what SAINT????

The angels added Rudolph to the eight reindeer count for a reason it is just the enemy mocking that which is holy.

Jesus is at the door and the Church helped the Apostate church to rebuild Nazi Germany no one noticed the onslaught of Papists taking over our Nation?

We need to wake up the Jewish people GOD does not want to put them through that again that’s why HE IS ENDING IT.

The DRAGON China is the dragon’s love interest bigger than Israel and God is going to leave the apostates with this woman. They dance with the dragon they summon the dragon and the Church in China sacrifices Jesus daily on their mock altars as the Protestants hide underground.

The Catholic Church wants them to take America they hate our freedoms and our passion to promote the word of God we take money from them with every soul we win so no wonder they buddy up to the ignorant and unaware.

I gotta go find me some of those Satanic Masons who build hospitals and help the infirmed and support children’s programs. Because guys with doctorates degrees would rather the doctrines of demons.

I do not side with those who hide the word that’s why he has opened it up the way HE has. I am not starving for attention and I know playing by the rules allows us all to win. If I seek attention it is only to direct your attention to the hour we are in. Bowing to the image of the beast is not for me no matter how pretty you think all their pomp and fancy stones make them look.

The post that was done with the book in the crop circles with all the S’s and I asked what was more important was it being slain in the spirit of getting your neighbor to read the Bible for themselves and get the word in them without the word man has no hope there is hope in the word.

We are to always meditate on the word of God not empty our minds we are to trust in the written word of  God.

Psalms 20:8 KJV  They are brought down and fallen: but we are risen, and stand upright.

I do realize the pre terrorist in many of us will say it is out of context so here is the context.

Psalms 20:6-9 KJV
(6)  Now know I that the LORD saveth his anointed; he will hear him from his holy heaven with the saving strength of his right hand.
(7)  Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God.
(8)  They are brought down and fallen: but we are risen, and stand upright.
(9)  Save, LORD: let the king hear us when we call.

One is obviously better than the other, so let’s go for our best and stand upright.

There are always going to be people who cannot sit down at monopoly or some card game that involves others and seek attention. When we play by the rules we can all have fun because the rules in the game are meant so that everyone participates.  I am not a legalist by far but when it comes to the word of God I can tell you why the Jewish people are not coming to Christ and it isn’t because they hate him it is because they do not see him in the Church hidden around all those priests and saints and holy doohicky’s.

God means for the light to shine on Jesus giving up my precious to those who seek to stand with the apostates and force me to bow to the image of the beast only reveals to me their own blindness.

God has protected HIS elect HIS chosen from becoming twice the children of hell,  it is hard to convert the converted who don’t even know what the apostasy is.

Jesus is wanting the Jewish people to come into the house and the devil is doing the worst he can to make sure that does not happen.  Hence Apostacy the little nation of Israel is threatened on all sides and only God can deliver them and are we, not supposed to be the BLOOD BOUGHT BODY OF CHRIST?

God has a frail woman whom HE loves dearly. She/they gave HIM you and I.  HIS delight is in those who love the LORD Jesus and truly see the value in HIM.   Jewish people are representing God’s angels who remained in the heavens awaiting the SON the visible SON of God while we here await the second coming.

Back to the Cards

Vista Print does not pay me I have applied to their affiliates program you can go there and have the cards made.  Each card is linked to its design platform repetition here is the only time this works best.

Mine is left intentionally blank on the back. I will write in the nearest Church that I believe is not part of the apostasy for them to attend.

I support only one God, and if you know HIM and you know your Church knows HIM, place your Church’s address and contact information on the back.

You can do this with either a stamp from $12.00-$22.00 depending on size (With the proper care, your stamp can be used up to 10,000 times) or pay the extra $7.00 per 100 cards for the printing for $22.00 you get 500 cards an additional $11.00 gets you 1000.  So for $33.00 plus the back printing of $70.00, the cards total 103.00 plus another $10 for shipping $113.00 get the stamp 1000 cards 33.00 shipping 6-8 dollars.  The cost of winning one soul is priceless; go and get those crowns!

Leaving the backs blank will get them to the site, but you know they will have questions, so be prepared to give the answers or send them to a church that understands the Answers, please. Tell them to hand it to the Pastor for a free meal.

I did a Christian film festival for years, and we do not send them to the Romish Church that is building this nightmare; send them to a church that Can help set Roman Catholics free, not the apostates. If they come into heaven without the clean garments they will be asked to leave.

Make a website with your own creative domain, and link it with serverofall to pull the images and the answers in.   Fill it with messages from God and let the lost know it was not Aliens or UFOs that took us home,  those left behind will see what’s coming and run to the cross at least let’s pray they will.

Choose your weapons!