Its Black and White

The stumblingblock of the Christian is causing others to stumble.

Isaiah 57:13-15  When thou criest, let thy companies deliver thee; but the wind shall carry them all away; vanity shall take them: but he that putteth his trust in me shall possess the land, and shall inherit my holy mountain; (14) And shall say, Cast ye up, cast ye up, prepare the way, take up the stumblingblock out of the way of my people. (15) For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.

The darkness drawn out of man the angels target and protect their charges. Angels can drive. Just ask those who attended CTWC when they came and performed Noah’s ark before the towers fell.

David and Solomon, including Abraham were all sexually immoral. Nevertheless, G-d’s heart was for them because they respected HIS word and answered HIS call. They did, however, pay a penalty in that their lives were plagued with hardships. pornography giving you a struggle? Good news Jesus can set you free,  Angels are standing by to assist. This corruption can put on incorruption.

Besides GOD knew HE made women excessively beautiful and the men way too weak. It is how we all got here because of these qualities. It’s no excuse we must press on. It is better to marry then to burn with lust 1 Corinthians 7:9. I used this very verse when I proposed to my wife,  at least, I was honest. G-d can forgive anything and everything. However, mocking HIM and Sin against the HOLY SPIRIT after HE exposes the Sin of mocking HIM, is close to the unpardonable sin. One thing is for sure it will get you left behind. G-d insists HE will not be mocked! He threw out the angels over it, and we are made lower than they.

It’s a heart problem not a gun problem. I would that you all possessed a gun. If for anything to change hearts. Those who take the mark will be shot at in the tribulation they made their choice.

The sacrifice of animals was to remind G-d of his covenant with mankind. That HE would provide a more acceptable sacrifice. A sacrifice that could wash away all our iniquities and sins,
so that we would not have to fear death while embracing HIS love for us.

Death was a profitable endeavor for the Pagan priesthood before the Exodus out of Egypt. They made slaves of their followers, and filled their temples with food for which they did not have to labor for. Simply they fooled the ignorant people into serving their made-up gods with false promises of an afterlife in G-d’s heaven.

G-d defeats the Egyptian gods who were all false made up by wicked men. Bringing HIS people out to teach what is law and what is acceptable to HIM and how to appease him properly. Not as the Egyptians were doing that priesthood was started by the enemies of G-d.  G-d finished what he started (Levitical Priesthood) and he will finish what again the enemy started back up the Catholic Priesthood.

The law separates us from the animals, without the law??? Well simply just open tonight’s paper or watch the news on the television. If there is a law, there is a society and someone must judge the law and deal with those whom break it so that others can live peaceably under the law with each other. The feeling of being secure someone is watching out for their well-being is extremely rewarding, someone to oppose the abusers of good. G-d’s law says those who break it must die or show penance (sorrow, remorse) . Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of G-d is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

G-d establishes the Levitical priesthood to offer the sacrifices on behalf of Israel to atone for sins committed by them. He has chosen one people to present the truth through as to not allow for confusion. He also provides the Messiah who saves us all from our sins. The high priest offered HIM up and thus completing the purpose of the priesthood. He used his enemy to destroy the temple and end it officially in 70 A.D.

So if the final sacrifice is complete, then the need for the Levitical priesthood ended. Christ’s finished work on the cross opened a way into the holy of holies, so we may talk with G-d with no other mediator other than Christ HIS only-begotten Son. G-d sees HIS blood on you, and HE calls you HIS son or daughter.

So the stumbling block of offence… Why is there a priesthood today continuing what they do not deny is the same sacrifice? How will this show Israel the final sacrifice? Let’s not even talk about the blatant idolatry these people surround themselves with.

The priesthood again is risen to manipulate and control the people to maintain their cushy positions. They are pretending to know G-d as the Pagans priests also professed to know their gods in Egypt. This keeps you and others from the bible and seeing the truth I just revealed. They do not hold the keys to heaven but have unlocked the gates to hell, allowing every foul spirit to roam freely in people who have not placed the word of G-d in their hearts. You cannot teach the world to love if love is not in you to begin with. The blind are leading the world to destruction.

The enemy said he would make the Son of G-d his pet. G-d knew that over time, he would make fools of those who followed him.

The angels are up in arms afraid these people will do them harm. Cannibalism is a major no, no. They have already destroyed their own followers and letting them in could mean catastrophe for the Angels. They are pleading that the priesthood stop simulating eating them. In fact, end the priesthood save the world.

Seven arms of half-eaten Eucharists with eight whole ones following behind surrounding the older ones to throw the enemy into the bottomless pit. 7 x 8 = 56 Psalm 56:1-2.

The death cookie is a tract by Jack Chick. He has stood his ground. He is like a Michael of our day, standing toe to toe with the followers of Satan and not backing down. While others called him a Catholic basher only to find out they will be bashed by what they have allowed to be brought to America the Papists and the false priesthood controlling our politics.

The purpose of light is to expose darkness and set the lost free. Satan began the priesthood in Babylon. G-d shows what it is that pleases HIM the only G-d, once the Exodus takes place. At the cross, the final sacrifice is made, and G-d ended the priesthood; its purpose served. So who brought it back 300 years after it ended?