For the same reason, they began the destruction of Germany. For the Christian, this should not be hard to figure out.
Gutenberg Press was invented in Germany; along with the press came more Bible reading. It is where the reformation began. Lutherism had its birth. They did not like calling it the reformation because they saw no need to reform or repent, so today, it is called restoration and is ecumenical in its purpose. Whose winning who?
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The enemy hated the idea people read the Bible because it is the answer to his destruction and the revelation that God has called us all to be priests to HIM and that there are seven angels over seven Churches that make up the one body. Then there is the dragon’s church that seeks to consume all the others.
One with a history of stealing, killing and destroying, and the elect knows who that Church is while those who are not elect do not know what is going on in their world or to the last moment who the harlot is? Judgment comes to the house of God first, then to the world.
There is an angel over this church; he is a bad angel and has fallen the very reason hell exists, here like in heaven, he wants it all.
Those who commit treason on earth would surely do the same in heaven. Learning what is good from evil is clearly very important to God, especially when building HIS house with us as HIS precious stones. Free will is not changed when you enter heaven; heaven has guidelines; it’s not a do as you please; our respect for God’s kingdom begins here.
Inspecting His Treasure, HE is looking at those who love his law and commandments. The ten striations make up this diamond, and he highlights some important commandments.
Germany is where we find the term human psychology, blaming other things rather than seeing ourselves as the Bible sees us.
Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
The founder of the movement, Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt sent millions of souls to the fire; you could say a max a million and more. The first thing Adam and Eve did after they fell was to pass the blame.
I gave the crop messages to many different ministries. I could blame them that the harvest failed, and I am sure they will blame me.
It is amazing the difference that just one person can make in the world. I overheard an American AG minister say he understood human psychology; he probably had no idea where it originated from; he just went with the flow and expected me to do the same.
Will, in his judgment, will he blame me? He will if he is doing it right now.
Safety in numbers when rebelling against God is not a safe practice; ask Noah’s generation, who undoubtedly had a change of heart as the door to the ark closed and the waters came, but that was too late. It seems in revelation God extends mercy to the population by allowing them to see the church’s disappearance and gives them a choice of either heaven or hell by using the RFID chip as a means to buy and sell, for many will choose beheading as the revelation reveals.
Certain of the place of weeping and gnashing of teeth Jesus warned us about. With them being left behind, it will be a revelation that they were not coming into heaven, to begin with.
America, keep in mind, was founded by the Protestant culture of no priests but ministers who encouraged Bible reading. Today they want us dependant on them for direction TBN tells us they will guide us and reveal the word while having the Dragon’s Church as a viable alternative. I spent 20 plus years serving in a Christian Film Festival, and everyone that came down to receive Jesus filled out a card that was given to a nearby local church that taught the word of God, and Roman Catholicism was not among them.
Most of us escaped barely with our lives. Many of us knew and understood had we died in their care; we would have been lost forever because they mock what God made holy. They are not good shepherds. I am not a Seventh Day Adventist, but the short clip I have taken from a film they made reveals why Joe Biden, Pelosi, Pence, and many others who sided with her are not going in the resurrection but staying behind for the gallows they intended for us Protestant American’s who are loyal to God.
Are 11 minutes worth your security and assurance?
Darkness hates the truth, and the more truth you have, the bigger the threat to the darkness you are.
Knowing what is good from evil is our goal. Hold fast to that which is good. It is good to praise the LORD and give glory to HIS name. It is good to share the word with others and bring hope to the same. It is good to help the widow and the orphan and provide food and shelter to them. It is good for a man to work and contribute to his society.
If you do not have it in you to love or nurture, then that is exactly one of the many reasons why Jesus came to place HIS spirit in us to work through us and be our friend and guide through this rough terrain we call the world.
We are about to see what the word meant in Psalm 12:8.
The map comes from the Jesuit website. Is the world a better place? Is America any longer the nation we once so loved? Psalm 37:35 I have seen the wicked in great power and spreading himself like a green bay tree.
We are about to know what this Catholic man said to Jeb Bush, a good Protestant man.
Do you realize the enemy used dinosaurs to begin his new world order of building the first Pyramid? Above the devil may be telling the oil guy his plans for his children or ours? The enemy used to build the symbols in the battle, oddly has the power to take him down.
It’s all about the word of God and the value found in it; it reveals the true worth of the SON of God.
We are being made in the image and likeness of the SON, and wasn’t the primary purpose of Jesus to forgive sinners and grant them new life?
I thought Obama was the antichrist, and I wanted to wrap my arms around him and thank him for coming. It meant my Jesus is next.
I don’t want anyone ruling above the master, and none will in the heavens but on earth, we can make that happen and learn from it.
My desire was nothing like Lucifers. I just wanted a family, which desires of the two is the better? Who should get his desire first?
Need Peace in the middle east? Got Oil?
Brother Abel(Benjamin)