The Protest Is Over???

It is said when in a minority they are gentle as lambs but in a majority,  they are as ravenous wolves.

So this must mean the world will not be needing my peace plan after all,  to bring peace into the middle east. It meant lifting up the name of Jesus.   Don’t I feel like a shmuck! So that isn’t G-d’s Son’s effigy in Egypt after all and HE doesn’t need to be lifted up out of the earth and that seven hundred billion should be given back to them America lost in 2008 to secure Obama’s seat?

The wealth of the wicked is saved up for the righteous. So how are we supposed to get it?

So in honor of the ending of the Protest and having Protestant’s like Kenneth Copeland support the continued mockery of a priesthood, I would like to offer up this prayer.

Hail Mary, full of grace.
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.

Now have we decided is it five our Fathers to every one Hail Mary or do we keep it the same?

Both these books just came out in the last few years. So I’m confused?

Here’s to getting that temple built in time, God save the Queen.

If you listen closely you can almost hear the cackle.


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