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The Wicked are not allowed into Heaven we do not want this again!

Keep Watching the image ^^^^^The Music does end if you want to see it again or show it to your Frau you have to refresh the page. and hit the Secret Society button again.

This page is designed differently than the others, here I am trying to deal with HIS sottish Children who do not know HIM but claim they do.

I do not understand the words of the song but it is in the context of the message I’m trying to convey.

German’s are without a doubt lovely people and they gave us the Gutenberg Press and Martin Luther they sang wonderful songs and danced but they did not see it was the devil they were dancing and singing with.

This is not an attack on the German People at all nor am I trying to attack Catholics but to open their eyes to where we are headed as a society in general because of the Priesthood who claims to know G-d,   sure he does,  however, he rejects the truth of G-d!

Truth matters to G-d and can you be truthful about the condition of your soul if you are dancing with the devil?

There are people screaming at the top of their lungs with apologies 24/7 365 never ending trying to get into the Kingdom of Heaven but rejected the SON just like the fallen angels did.

Isn’t rejecting HIS teachings and HIS finished work rejecting HIM?

It was not Ancient Aliens it was fallen angels and their spirits are still here among us today wreaking havoc.

Telling Ghost Stories and lying that they know G-d and that they know what G-d wants.

The whole series of  “Ancient Aliens” came out of the pit of hell by a man like Hitler who went to Parochial school.  Where if you do not know Jesus you cannot convey Jesus.

Eric Von Däniken was born in Zofingen, Aargau. Brought up as a Roman Catholic, he attended the Saint-Michel International Catholic School in Fribourg, Switzerland. During his time at the school, he rejected the church’s interpretations of the Bible and developed an interest in astronomy and the phenomenon of flying saucers.

He wouldn’t have rejected the Bibel if he had been told who he was in Christ smd how to have a relationship with HIM.  Being Born Again places the Spirit of G-d in you so you do not need exterior elements to confirm your relationship to him.  The exterior elements for the wicked convey they are still lost without Christ.   Had  Von Däniken been taught of his role in the Royal Priesthood ancient aliens would have been brought by another fool without G-d.   The resurrected priesthood d had to stand in between him and G-d like they are standing between you and Christ and now thanks to the Roman Empire Church we have ancient aliens not fallen angels.  When you take a KJV Bible and compare it to the new translations it reveals the truth they were here and they had flesh and blood like us.

The first casualty of the war among man knew exactly what G-d was seeking after.  The value in the sacrifice! Cain did not see the value in the sacrifice or what it truly meant to us all.

Unfortunately, those who are in hell today were not seekers of truth but of pleasure and not the kind Father approves of and HE is the HEAD of all of this.   We are an exclusive and all-inclusive club we do not turn away members who will happily receive Christ as their Savior.

It’s imperative not even debatable you must receive Christ and get to know HIM.

Before you decide to sign up here consider your gifts what G-d has given you such as helps or cook or wedding planner and we are going to need a lot of those.  Each site caters to a different individual but you all must have a clean sense of humor and the HOLY SPIRIT to be a member of any of these fraternities.

Organizers Meet at GR44.ORG
We have a lot of Arrows Know
How to Use them.
Anyone and Everyone
Can be part of
We like to Shine!
Anglers and those who like
to Fish Hunt and Cook
Join GR44.NET
Blessed is the man with a quiver full. For the Serious Angler
Those who like to Evangelize
and Play Music Do
No one and I means no one is allowed to join this group those who are in it need to come out of it.
It’s Black and White
And the Servants of All the  Five Kings and their Cohorts who will handle all the other groups. We must move these Kings to the Top of the Hill.
Truth Set's People Free Learn it. It's Black and White and they will make you Red all over. Ride with the King

Where did this idea all come from?  The Same Person who wrote the Bible where Else?

The HOLY SPIRIT is making the crop circles! The very lamps Lucifer once carried that HE rejected because of the congregation who wanted to celebrate him and not G-d.  Though they claimed to Lucifer that they knew G-d the Son,  which was a lie because the SON of man comes through man.

G-d says of  HIS angels HIS once People before the creation of man that they did not know HIM and insisted on seeing the SON whom they were called to Worship.  God gave them something to see and look what he has done because they lacked FAITH!

Jer 4:22  For my people is foolish, they have not known me; they are sottish children, and they have none understanding:  they are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge. 

In the movie War Games, the computer asks the question “Do you want to play a game?”  Full on thermal Nuclear war no one wins.  Going into eternity without Christ is a bad choice the suffering never ends but there are those who for the lack of care keep playing their stupid war games because it lines their coffers with money and in turn, they hand you a cookie with a false hope that they know G-d.


God did not start this game of King of the Hill but we know how to finish it!

Scheduled to launch 2 years ago however I am such a disappointment and brought no one any hope of a future. Why was I the only one willing to embrace the Antichrist?  What a dumkoff!

Welcome to the 21st Century.

777 is G-d’s Holy Number.

G-d is looking at this generation to fill HIS home with those who would love HIM and appreciate life.

Games,  boy do we love games! Good games, of course, this game with killing and shedding blood is not a good game.

Older Saints you agreed…Matthew 20:1-16  less work same wages.

My websites are designed to get the job done!  Some countries get blocked by hackers and evil minions who bombard my sites with brute force attacks using automated spam bots preventing honest seekers of G-d from viewing the site while some countries just hate Jesus and Christians and block us anyway.

The dragon and his cronies placed a lot of bad people in a lot of places to thwart the message of the gospel from going forth and HE needs a peace plan.   Whatever in the world could that be I wonder?


My pastor keeps saying how G-d is in control so I am pretty sure G-d has one that HE would like them to have.

There is a solution through using a COOKIE yes you read that right a “COOKIE”  placed in their browser and even your own if you would like by sending the seeker to another URL that has not been blocked.

Missionaries will find they can access the sites as well in communists countries that block access to Christian material.

That information is found here.

Security is at a premium because of who we are up against.  I chose the best after searching many.  When I began I had to send smartphones to another theme entirely.  My site kept getting hacked and I kept learning.  With the new protocols and technology, one theme does it all it was the best choice.  It fits any device.

I have no education above High School including 900 hrs of Technical Computer Classes. Today I am just a lowly Truck driver and thank’s to Jesus I’m on my way to becoming a King.   I’m taking friends with me let’s have some fun before they blow it all apart and they will.

To think I found a COOKIE that may actually be able to save souls by helping to get the word of G-d in their hands and in their hearts that can be passed to the seeker’s browser that will allow him to bypass any blocks my protection may throw up as a result if his country undermining our work.


I have spent money and time developing each site to get the word out that JESUS IS ON HIS WAY I am the first casualty among men of the dragons disrespect of G-d.

The angels were waiting for the SON to arrive and I found a new family so no hard feelings Cain. I gave them HOPE that Christ would come and look I am doing it again trying to bring HOPE only the devil keeps getting in the way with wanting signs and wonders. A very jealous creature but it was he who gave it all up.

Want signs and wonders,  grab the kids get in the car go for a drive look around a little.  You weren’t fascinated with the Earth and the real Planets but look how fascinated they are in England over our crop circles.  Trust me on this when I say it gets better.

It wasn’t just Cain who disrespected the offering it was the dragon as well pushing him to kill his brother it was jealousy so glad that doesn’t happen anymore among us Christians who have Jesus living in them.

There will be Five Administrators to manage each of the sites the work is easy and it Pays Well and working for the LORD has even greater rewards.

Each member who joins a site is subject to the Administrator (Queen Bee) or ( King Bee) but never an undecided bee.

They will have at their disposal a task manager in the Administration area.

Get to know it, if you are interested in an Admin Position it is the nicest one I found as we begin the developer may assist us in improving it for our final goal.

Preparing the bride will take a lot of work but she needs to be adorned for her husband.   The dragon and his minion have been saving up a dowry for such an occasion.  This will get us the peace we need to get his temple underway.

An Administrator must be trustworthy and selected as a leader from among yourselves.  I will not pick you-you just need an endorsement from your Pastor if you are a Pastor you will need one from your congregation.   Admin’s assign tasks to the worker bees that’s team “Yellow “for example.

We need a day at six flags so several buses will need to be secured someone assigned to it can coordinate with the other community churches.

We are also going to need food for all those hungry children. Someone can do that.  I’m sure Wal-Mart and JB Hunt would be happy to join in.

Someone has to coordinate the “Christian” musicians who will be playing in the parks. There is scheduling and let’s not forget the people who have been waiting for me for a long time those evil wicked Mason’s.

Want to know where these ideas came from?

My First Family!

Angels Protecting the Park from men who would harm Children in the name of G-d.

Did you know that bees work hardest producing honey when it gets to be a certain temperature?

No site has a copyright though I may have some copy written material on them. But hey I’m the lawless one and that’s to be expected.

Assigned tasks are too willing individuals to perform.
(Free Wiling) we do not hold guns to people’s heads like the other guys.  They have their own site that I  set up just for them at

Don’t be offended I’m just trying to make a point that it is a cattle drive to heaven.  Let’s pray they become members of the others sites and leave the team they’re on.

Brother Abel


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