Who has light and who doesn’t?

The light always shines on is Jesus and truth,  HE is the focus of all that G-d is doing, drawing the world’s attention to HIS Son’s finished work upon the cross.  People who have that light seek to promote and lift up on high the name of Jesus. People in darkness do not shine on Jesus the images below is it light exposing darkness, darkness usually denies truth.

Darkness seeks its leadership from the top of the pyramid while G-d’s leadership is found at the bottom.

Unfortunately, some use the name of Jesus to promote their ministries not G-d’s ministry, G-d’s ministry would want to place up billboards,  place his name on the sides of tractor trailers, he would want to build a fishing net.  Hear HIS Son’s name on television 24/7 on the major networks being exalted. G-d would want to hear the world in unison shouting prepare the way of the LORD.  Disrespectful individuals would rather look and see what Satan is up too and give him the attention, not what G-d is doing.

I would not want to be the man who kept Jesus name from being promoted throughout the world because I thought Benny Hinn was a Christian and the man who G-d has granted access to HIS storehouses says’s he is not or because when I was a child being brainwashed believe if it wasn’t for them I would not know there was a trinity.  G-d would have not found another way to let you know?   Monsters look like men ask the people at Auschwitz or Dachau and they who ran the camps also went to parochial school.

What keeps this from taking place is the same thing that happened before the fall Jealousy,  envy and strife. Can we not rise against the petty jealousy and be excited that G-d has a great plan to tell everyone about Jesus and get them to the cross while dismantling the works of darkness?    Psalm 126:2

Darkness does not want this to happen.  That is why I stand my ground.  Darkness shutters at this kind of wealth being put into the church, the Scriptures are clear concerning this plan of G-d.  When the men around me who know me see the truth, they will see their part in keeping any of this from happening.

Jesus is to be exalted and lifted on High.  The world needs a peace plan Psalm 21:11 G-d gave it to the Christians they have always had it.  Now we have the what we need to make G-d’s peace plan happen only darkness does not want it to happen.  Darkness seeks a leader from above you not from among you from someone who honors G-d.

If darkness is in you how great is that darkness?

Matthew 6:23  But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!

When you own the dealership, you drive what G-d say’s you drive. If you do not like who G-d chooses than shining light is not your primary concern on the Jesus of scripture.  Many want to shine it on televangelism Jesus,  showmanship Jesus,  not truthful Jesus.

Do the following images look like G-d has asked me to side with the Catholic’s? The devil, of course, would want me too that means he wins, and I am no loser.  Most of my life he told me I had a one track mind, thought I would remind him in case he forgot.


Done 6/20/2005 Stephens Castle. Dr. Steven Jones BYU was right it was an inside job. He was silenced and then Mitt Romney LDS behind BYU was placed in as a candidate. We know who it is behind it all. These lines wrap around the globe and fall dead center on the Vatican. The true axis of evil who fund it and do it.

Done 6/20/2005 Stephens Castle. Dr. Steven Jones BYU was right it was an inside job. He was silenced and then Mitt Romney LDS behind BYU was placed in as a candidate. We know who it is behind it all. These lines wrap around the globe and fall dead center on the Vatican. The actual axis of evil who fund it and do it.


America was sold to Rome in 2008 for 700 billion dollars and the Catholic workers of iniquity are building a gallows meant for true believers. That will be the  KJV kind. Those who compromised with them let them succeed in destroying America.


Seven arms of half eaten Eucharists with eight whole ones following behind surrounding the older ones to through the enemy into the bottomless pit. 7 x 8 = 56 Psalm 56:1-2.

Seven arms of half eaten Eucharists with eight whole ones following behind surrounding the older ones to through the enemy into the bottomless pit. 7 x 8 = 56 Psalm 56:1-2.



Decommissioned American military bases under the hand of Bill Clinton and Al Gore.

Vote for my wife she's not part of it we are good Baptist people.

Vote for my wife she’s not part of it.  We are good Baptist people.

Femacoffins fema Coffins

Why are their so many of them in very powerful positions?

Why are there so many of them in very powerful positions?


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Every man will confess this before we leave to the glory of G-d the Father.


Matthew 13:47-50 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a net, that was cast into the sea, and gathered of every kind: (48) Which, when it was full, they drew to shore, and sat down, and gathered the good into vessels, but cast the bad away. (49) So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just, (50) And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.


Permanent link to this article: https://g119r911.info/03/30/2016/who-has-light-and-who-doesnt/

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