The creation of Evil

Why would a loving G-d make such a horrid creature as Lucifer knowing the end from the beginning? Could it be that in order to have a perfect society one must lead and be sure the others follow? We really don’t have to blow ourselves up to figure this out.

The congregation he was sent to to bring back to worship the Son turned him into what he is, by turning him against G-d. They are shown as half and not whole angels they are half hearted. Like many men of G-d I have come to know.

The congregation he was sent to bring back to worship the Son turned him into what he is, by turning him against G-d. They are shown as half and not whole angels, they are half hearted. Like many men of G-d, I have come to know. Who try to conform me to their ways? I know who is driving, and they do not.

The truth is G-d did not make him horrid the congregation did. He gave to him the same free will that he gave to each of us.  What one does with their free will is on them.  All the enemy does is reveal what is inherent in the heart of man already.  No one forces another to rebel against G-d or to make the wrong choice when clearly there are two in front of them.

That in order to have a society that desires to exist in peace and love we must really desire it and aim for that goal.  G-d gave us the best example to live by… His only-begotten Son.  Peter tells us that we are a Royal priesthood and a chosen generation (1 Peter 2:9) the reason is those of us who choose to follow Jesus do so upon careful inspection of the sacrifice. Jesus is the only man who claimed equality to G-d and could forgive sin,  who willingly gave up his life for the ransom of many and gladly took it up again proving his claim to be the only-begotten Son of G-d.

We are told that the devil is liar and the father of them, Jesus said he was a  murder from the beginning (John 8:44) which should baffle those who know a spirit cannot be murdered.  The enemy has many believe that man is and was the only flesh in creation that could be murdered.  Obviously, Jesus must be wrong in the order of creation, to which I say nay it was not ancient aliens, but fallen angels imprisoned in flesh.

We know that flesh is at war with G-d it desires things of this world and not things of the kingdom. We find the enemy fighting for Mose’s body to the point G-d has to hide it from him.  The fight is revealed in Jude 1:9.  However,  we find that in Deuteronomy 34:5-6, it was carefully hidden so that it wouldn’t be worshiped by the children of Israel. Why would Satan need the body of Moses?  Is this a clue as to a great leader of G-d’s people becoming his ride,  did he again get overly excited and impatient as he had in Egypt when he tried to get men to build 21st century weapons of war?

Bozo was going to have to wait a few thousand or more years until man caught up. that is what happens when you only read the end of the story and not the important parts in between.

He attacked Galileo Galilei in order to throw us off the scent that he is the enemy in disguise. That technology would be considered as him behind it. We are talking about someone who needed men to fall in order to gain the knowledge he needed to build weapons of war. Only to find out at its completion it would all be used to destroy him. Ezekiel 28:18


Impatient and the reason why he makes believers see technology as from him. When here it is obvious it is from G-d.

Impatient and the reason why he makes believers see technology as from him. When it is obvious technology is from G-d  necessary to give the enemy of G-d what he has wanted, the power to be G-d without actually being G-d and taking care of those who don’t know that because they turned on innocent blood.

Lucifer was created the last of G-d’s angels, there is no where in scripture that we find him being created first. Due to the overwhelming belief that he was,  should make us question how well we know G-d.

Here we find a humble man who came to dwell in the dust he made, born in a manger and washed the feet of men not seeking to glorify himself but the Father whom sent him. Did he need to make himself an elaborate covering to reveal how great he is? Is greatness measured in wealth or in the measure of love that gives up great treasures for love, is it not G-d who knows that the greatest treasure in life is love?

G-d made Lucifer beautiful to enlarge and reveal vanity of those who insisted on seeing the Son. Like a lure, many were drawn to him whom lacked faith to worship the Son as was asked of them in heaven. In him was a treasure that no one noticed. He carried the light the very essence of the one he was built to protect and cover. He was made to keep heaven, heaven and those who lacked faith need not enter in or stay. Those who refused to worship the Son became as gods thinking they knew better than G-d turning him into what he is today. It was the congregation which was jealous of his position and mocked his place in the kingdom of G-d.

How do I know, today I am living the same problem he had no one wants to reach their loved ones and will let them slip away because they are jealous of G-d’s dearest friend rather than support him and win countless lost souls, they will spurn him and shape a monster.

(Satan the great horned one) their are 14 circles including his two eyes because he lives in darkness eyes are not necessary. So we subtract to get 12 add the three average sized angels by the tail for the passages Isaiah 14:12-15

(Satan the great horned one) there are 14 circles including his two eyes because he lives in darkness eyes are not necessary. So we subtract to get 12 add the three average sized angels by the tail for the passages Isaiah 14:12-15 two-faced double up for Ezekiel 28:12-15 also the three angels by his tail the fourth circle from the bottom Psalm 34 emphasis Psalm 34:14.

In the end, G-d does something very similar for mankind. He allows the enemies vanity to redress himself; he places his lamps into the one whom he seeks to honor and lift up. This is in order to do what Lucifer was meant to do. Restore order and bring back the fallen. So instead of placing treasure on him, he gives him the treasures of the world by giving him the peace plan the world so desperately needs. The dragon’s church inadvertently saved up to so that one man could lead many millions to Christ.


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