The defeat of the antichrist

Justice and judgment are the habitation of thy throne: mercy and truth shall go before thy face. Psalms 89:14

Justice is what G-d seeks for the righteous, mercy and truth go before HIS judgment which equates to HIS justice.

555 comes before 666 let him who has understanding let him calculate the number of the beast.

Revelation 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Those of you who have read my blog, and that is several thousand thank you for your patience and my apologies for my lack of good grammar. Having been raised in an alcoholic home had its disadvantages when both parents fought daily it made sleep and education very difficult.  These gray boxes we carry on top of our shoulders retain what we learn and record our experiences.  The revelation of spiritual matters comes from Spirit and when you have several thousands of languages running at the same time you learn to take lemons and make lemonade.  You all know my knowledge of G-d’s numbers is a specialty of mine.  The Bible is a great clue book to winning the big game.

When you manage the whole truth you will then see the greatest victory.

Daniel 8:12 And an host was given him against the daily sacrifice by reason of transgression, and it cast down the truth to the ground; and it practised, and prospered.

Mercy truth and the name of Jesus all have something in common; they are all five letter words. 555 is a non-communication exchange in our communications industry that is no coincidence, that is the hand of G-d.  Just like Abe L(incoln) was not always on a five dollar bill. It was the hand of G-d who placed him there honest Abe set the captives free.   When you only (regard Jesus)  Son of G-d as do many Bible translations you have 6 + 5 which gives us eleven, which is not good because that means there is a traitor in our midst.  When you (Respect Jesus) you will have 12, and that is what G-d is looking for Respect a fabulous seven letter word. Twelve is good governing.  12 hours in a day, 12 months in a year, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 Disciples of Christ, 12 star signs.  Man had 6000 years to build his governments, balance would suggest the angels fallen or not had the same amount of time to do theirs and each were no doubt told to worship the Son of G-d.

Proverbs 11:1-2 A false balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight. When pride cometh, then cometh shame: but with the lowly is wisdom.

See I regard my Pastor; respect is earned regard and pastor are both six letters and the traitors are many who gave Catholicism a place among us. The Puritans forbade the Eucharist from reaching our shores here in America with a very good reason these people are not led by the Holy Spirit. Especially if they place rocks of offense in the path of G-d’s chosen people. If they are called least in the kingdom why are so many Pastors bowing to their will and not G-d’s?  The numbers who were killed because of this cookie shaped Jesus (Eucharist) , are insurmountable as they slowly placed their political puppets in positions of power around the world. Continuing to mock the work of Christ, with a mock priesthood and a mock sacrifice.

Seven arms of half eaten Eucharists with eight whole ones following behind surrounding the older ones to through the enemy into the bottomless pit. 7 x 8 = 56 Psalm 56:1-2.

Seven arms of half eaten Eucharists with eight whole ones following behind surrounding the older ones to throw the enemy into the bottomless pit. 7 x 8 = 56 Psalm 56:1-2.

First of all, it is Jesus who upon HIS return will overthrow the Antichrist and his armies, then establish HIS 1000 year reign.  Hopefully, if you are a true servant of Christ you will be as the header image of this site depicts in the rear coming with HIM. Whoever you are,  you do not want to be on the receiving end of G-d’s wrath.  It is not up to the job of the church to prevent him from rising because this is G-d’s justice aginst the wicked flesh among us who rejected G-d’s greatest treasure to mankind the Lord Jesus who was the true and full light of the world.

It is not up to the job of the church to prevent him from rising because this is G-d’s justice against the wicked flesh among us who rejected G-d’s greatest treasure to mankind the Lord Jesus who was the true and full light of the world.

The mistake of those who are in darkness have made, and clergy as well is to seek their leadership from the top to rule over them. How utterly foolish it would be for G-d to allow justice to be served this way and let darkness take out darkness.  When all those who live in it seek only to harm those who are of the true light and are the children of the most high.

For G-d to give one man the power from within HIS body would benefit so many and save so many.  What if the Antichrist whom G-d chooses does not rise and the men who know who he is think they are serving G-d when in reality they a thwarting G-d’s plan?

Sign gifts of the Protestant movement can be feigned, and we all know as mature believers that these will eventually cease from the body upon the return of Jesus.  I will not deny them now because they are of G-d in many churches.  When the fire starts those who have them will be given more faith, and they will do greater things for the harvest. Those who do have them now seem to lack discernment over what is the will of G-d. They are blind to the truth as much as their nongifted brethren.

These are the twelve tribes of Israel. The sons of Jacob according to age each tower has three sides 3 x 12 =36 Genesis 36, we find the descendants of Esau.

These are the twelve tribes of Israel. The sons of Jacob according to age each tower has three sides 3 x 12 =36 Genesis 36, we find the descendants of Esau.

Has it now become the will of G-d to hide the crop images of which will be eternal and spoken of and seen in the kingdom of heaven for all eternity?  Is it G-d’s will to hide the billions of dollars he wants to place in his church to lift up HIS son’s name?

When Lucifer was the light bearer, he did not slay people in the spirit or speak in other tongues, or heal anyone the work he was given was to bring praise simply back to the Son of G-d.  He made the choice to no longer do that and wanted to sit on the throne of the most high (Jesus before a name was given HIM or man was created) unfortunately; the original light bearer had no support from the congregation of Angels who deemed him unnecessary. He became the butt of jokes and mocking.   So who made him what he is? Then if unnecessary why did G-d make him? He was the chariot for the Spirit of G-d, just like so many of you are.

His size and beauty divided the kingdom between the righteous and the wicked. Those who rejected the Son followed him,  he began his new world order before the dawn of man. In doing so he inadvertently built the symbols that will become known as the symbols of good and evil. KING OF THE HILL….LOL


He still performs the duty he was originally given because of his more than pleasant disposition he has sent many of us to our knees and drew us closer to G-d,  except for those who simply only regard Jesus he still needs to work on those.

I do not like Jewelry, but I love the Jewish people for giving me G-d’s word and messiah and if your a real Christian you love them too and do not side with a harlot who does not.  Now we need to rise and unite as one body to bring them home before the rapture.   was always

I am in the transportation industry for “Land Air Express”  (there is a joke in there somewhere) safely delivering cargo from terminal to terminal.  When we hear of other companies going under we are encouraged to invite their drivers to join our fleet.  Recently the Pope made the announcement he was the antichrist the root of that tree was always Caesar and power. So we now have the ability to encourage 1.2 billion souls into the kingdom before rapture a fire in them and under them should do the job nicely.

 Jeremiah 18:15 Because my people hath forgotten me, they have burned incense to vanity, and they have caused them to stumble in their ways from the ancient paths, to walk in paths, in a way not cast up;

1 Peter 2:7-8 Unto you therefore which believe he is precious: but unto them which be disobedient, the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner, And a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, even to them which stumble at the word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed.

Jesus set aside 3.5 years to himself to aid in the completion of HIS seven years of the harvest of plenty and if HE entrusts someone with 700 billion dollars and deep insight into HIS word would it not be a good idea to do so as well? Don’t be like the Angels of heaven seeing him as unnecessary instead see him as G-d’s justice and mercy. Like the wise angels of heaven, those who will consider eternity will make the right choice.  When G-d made Lucifer HIS friend, he gave him free will and it was the mocking and the ridicule that turned him the ignoring of HIS position as light bearer.  And G-d was in him to hear all that was said or done in the kingdom before the casting down.

If darkness is in you how great is it? Is it not the perception that causes disillusionment?

If the man G-d sent is not used it is your loved one’s  sons,  daughters,  aunts,  uncles, brothers and sisters that will miss the rapture they will miss the opportunity to repent and receive the oil.

Men love darkness rather than the light for their deeds are evil, but when it comes from the pulpit in the form of jealousy, it is so very petty indeed.  Keep in mind it is how this all began,  is that moment of jealousy worth billions of souls lost? Is 3.5 years of blessing one man who will, in turn,  bless all others for an eternity worth your soul and the soul of others?  Lord,  Lord did we not do good and keep the man you chose from rising???

The seven years of tribulation comes after the peace agreement is signed and if you have been paying attention G-d only has one he would like to see happen. I will not apologize for only knowing the one peace plan G-d wants.

We as a body need to unite and prepare the bride.  As we do so, we will inform the world what is to come, and we will gather the nations and tell the armies they will need to unite as one to turn their weapons towards the heavens at the soon and coming to Lord Jesus Christ, who is returning. (There is a joke in there somewhere?) My acting on HIS behalf until HE arrives will no doubt warrant great success in bringing in the harvest.  How about it men who is with me?

What if the angels had supported the first light bearers original call would we have lost 1/3 of them?

Utopia cannot be Utopia with free will agents doing whatever they want and not be obedient to the rules.  Laws only work when we accept them as necessary to live in peace and safety.  The original law that was first broken,  was come worship the Son when you hear the trumpet sound.

Jeremiah 4:16-22 Make ye mention to the nations; behold, publish against Jerusalem, that watchers come from a far country, and give out their voice against the cities of Judah. As keepers of a field, are they against her round about; because she hath been rebellious against me, saith the LORD. Thy way and thy doings have procured these things unto thee; this is thy wickedness, because it is bitter, because it reacheth unto thine heart. My bowels, my bowels!

I am pained at my very heart; my heart maketh a noise in me; I cannot hold my peace, because thou hast heard, O my soul, the sound of the trumpet, the alarm of war. Destruction upon destruction is cried; for the whole land is spoiled: suddenly are my tents spoiled, and my curtains in a moment. How long shall I see the standard, and hear the sound of the trumpet? For my people is foolish, they have not known me; they are sottish children, and they have none understanding: they are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge.

How do I know it was the only rule?  Again let’s look ay Proverbs 11:1 Adam was only given one rule and worshiping G-d was not it.  That to Adam was automatic G-d made a friend to love him and be loved by him and they did.  Until Adam failed and took and ate of the tree G-d commanded  H. I. M.  not to eat.

G-d said in Ezekiel 28:18 what would become of HIS enemy.

G-d said in Ezekiel 28:18 what would become of HIS enemy. The tree has 94 fruit positions the number for Plutonium on the periodic table.  Psalm 94:1-23 If you are wicked the enemy has now power through Romes wealth by buying America in 2008 the now can send many to their eternal rewards and without Christ it is a no reward at all,  just more of the same misery onlya  hundred fold worse it never ends.

Revelation 6:10, Esther 6:10, Psalm 6:1-10 has ten verses, there are so much more.  I don’t want to bore you with how this book has clues meant for me to take down Satan’s kingdom.  I was born 6/10/59 Psalm 59:1-17 added it totals 75 Jesus was one and I are number two Psalm 75:2.

So let’s get this done our time has is running out the last “Trump” is about to sound.  As we at the bottom must rise to the top,  the righteous the ones that G-d is calling will repent and join us in our celebrations.  Making the first wave out.  The ones left behind will be without excuse and more than likely be the headless saints of Revelation when the Muslim Allah takes over.

Don’t take my word for it  think for yourselves and take it to G-d in prayer, seek his word the answers are all there.

Abel is the first in so many things pertaining to the call of G-d

I have another body I know I do, and  the enemy needs one.  He didn’t get Moses, so we know it is after an Exodus and a leader of G-d’s people, one who really tries hard to let G-d lead. I  fear being bent by the will of others who do not know HIS will this would to all be very dangerous indeed.

We know how much G-d likes balance spirit needs a body and fair is fair.     Satan didn’t get Moses body the he wanted it, so we know it is after an Exodus and a leader of G-d’s people.  I try hard to let G-d lead because I fear being bent by the will of others.  Like Lucifer or Adam did, Lucifer used his wife to bend his will away from G-d.  Which he couldn’t have done had Adam said nothing to her.   It was meant for him and him alone not to eat of the tree in the midst of the garden, and it was a Peach tree.

Now some of you want to rise up and argue that unknown fact while millions go to hell without Jesus, that’s who you are.

We can get into torrid debates and argue over which brand of apple did G-d not like in the garden. Was it a Granny Smith or a red delicious or even a Macintosh? I chose the peach because it is one of a kind and has the biggest pit process of elimination.  In the end,  does it even matter? Communist Russia did not happen over night but the leading up to it took place as the Greek Orthodox council met together and argued over should the candles be six or eight inches in length on the altar.

Souls and salvation is what we should be concerned about, not dinosaurs before or after man.  Things we are not certain about should not draw us away from the task at hand.  I believe they had to use something to lift those heavy stones in place to build their pyramid before man came. I don’t think it was flying saucers or their anti-gravity machines,  considering they had no knowledge of even the periodic table. They couldn’t explain the complex elements they had to wait for man to discover them. The phony church attacked Galileo making science or discovery of new things out to be of the devil as the devil does all good things.   Forcing science to deny the church. As well it should have,  blind ignorance is not birthed from G-d.

Bozo was going to have to wait a few thousand or more years until man caught up. that is what happens when you only read the end of the story and not the important parts in between.

Bozo was going to have to wait a few thousand or more years until man caught up. that is what happens when you only read the end of the story and not the important parts in between. This looks like he was placing his order for weapons to attack G-d’s kingdom.

G-d did not want child rapes murders and chaos.  So I believe the angels had dinosaurs to observe revealing creatures of flesh can be very violent.  Was G-d trying to deter them from wanting to see the Son so badly?   The very creatures that helped in building Lucifer’s insult at the end become his downfall in the desire and wealth G-d placed in the oil.

I learn by observation a very good practice. I will not bend my will to those who do not know HIS will,  it is very dangerous indeed. We know how much G-d likes balance Proverbs 11:1 Spirit needs a body and fair is fair.   To win the world to Jesus obedience is better than sacrifice.  This is not a contest to whose church is more spiritual or has the greatest gifts it is getting men to repent and be reconciled by the blood Jesus is on HIS way, and I am proof positive it is time.

To win the world to Jesus obedience is better than sacrifice.  This is not a contest to whose church is more spiritual or has the greatest gifts it is getting men to repent and be reconciled by the blood Jesus who told me HE is on HIS way, and I am proof positive it is time.

As for seven days of creation,  I take a lesson from Job 38:1-41 knowing man has different needs than the angels did. I know how G-d does not like to dwell on the bad but on the good. To deny this is to lack knowledge of G-d.

Job 38:1-9 Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said, Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge? Gird up now thy loins like a man; for I will demand of thee, and answer thou me. Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth?  declare, if thou hast understanding. Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? or who hath stretched the line upon it? Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the corner stone thereof; When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of G-d shouted for joy? Or who shut up the sea with doors, when it brake forth, as if it had issued out of the womb? When I made the cloud the garment thereof, and thick darkness a swaddlingband for it,

So the angels shouted at the making of earth, then man was made on the sixth day before the rebellion of the angels in heaven??? G-d couldn’t wait to get this all done which is of course absurd HE has al the time HE needs to educate free will.

cookemonsterMy free will says there was a Pre-Adamic race before man was here,  I have a lion in the dirt who I recognize and a winning purse to my findings that says HIS value is worth the world.  Now you can call me a liar but the evidence stands up and G-d does not reward liars by letting them lead his church or half-hearted saints.   Antichrists do not want the church to prosper or spread the word to the world.  So if I question my Pastor as to the “spirit” he follows and he hides the truth what I my obligated to think and believe?

Does G-d now no longer want the word to go forth?  Has G-d asked his leaders to hide the circles?  Has HE now downgraded the treasury to give to his church to lift the name of HIS Son down to cookies? So believers if your loved ones do not make the rapture,  the cookie monster is to blame.

Facing east as the sun rises. Lucifer once looked into the glory of G-d. The dream steele tells a powerful story. Written when Abraham's descendants were slaves in Egypt it says this was covered in sand someone was trying to hide something. If I be lifted up I will draw all men unto me.

Facing east as the sun rises. Lucifer once looked into the glory of G-d. The dream steele tells a powerful story. Written when Abraham’s descendants were slaves in Egypt it says this was covered in sand someone was trying to hide something. If I be lifted up I will draw all men unto me.

Jeremiah 4:27-28 For thus hath the LORD said, The whole land shall be desolate; yet will I not make a full end. For this shall the earth mourn, and the heavens above be black: because I have spoken it, I have purposed it, and will not repent, neither will I turn back from it.

Sampson in Judges 14:14 And he said unto them, Out of the eater came forth meat, and out of the strong came forth sweetness. And they could not in three days expound the riddle.

Sampson and G-d  let us know the sweetness was in the lion.  Sampson’s represents G-d’s strength and power in one man. The world has cut my hair when it hid my circles from you all and closed the word of G-d.  The circles and the images will be eternal in the kingdom of G-d. Those signs are eternal because of whom they point too.  The ministry gifts will cease when Jesus is with us,  no more need to heal for none will ever be sick. We have the technology to share them with the world but your leadership threw them in the trash. Like the good

We have the technology to share the circles with the world but your leadership threw them in the trash. Like the good Catholics, they have become,  keeping the word closed to the world while playing church,  clouds without water.  That is why G-d made it necessary to choose a Christian and place his light in him and give him the peace plan the enemy needs. To ensure the world hears the word before the rapture and his judgment. Those who are looking for his mercy shall find it.  Those seeking his judgment shall find it as well. For only $39.95 you can have a complete survival kit and instructions to survive in the tribulation and that is more important than the crop circles for some so called men of G-d.

Justice and judgment are the habitation of thy throne: mercy and truth shall go before thy face. Psalms 89:14

But I am poor and needy; yet the Lord thinketh upon me: thou art my help and my deliverer; make no tarrying, O my G-d.
(Psalms 40:17)

Bottom line…You should really trust G-d,  I do.


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