America’s Border Problems Does not Require Money

War and violence is not the solution to any problem diplomacy and standing on the truth can affect drastic change.

Deuteronomy 27:15-17
(15)  Cursed be the man that maketh any graven or molten image, an abomination unto the LORD, the work of the hands of the craftsman, and putteth it in a secret place. And all the people shall answer and say, Amen.
(16)  Cursed be he that setteth light by his father or his mother. And all the people shall say, Amen.
(17)  Cursed be he that removeth his neighbour’s landmark. And all the people shall say, Amen.

Verse 15 not making it secret and shoving it in our faces is still unacceptable.

Teach the people to obey the word,  However,  you would have to know it to understand that.

Catholic Christianity is the dominant religion in Mexico, representing about 83% of the total population as of 2010

Here it is just a matter of honoring God’s word. Every sitting President has been a puppet of Rome a Roman Cathoilic including this one.

Hitler had Protestant sympathizers around him as well Denomination is just a name the heart is still wicked who can understand it?

RCC are not Born Again and continue to rebel against the truth swap the names Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Bill Richardson, Rudolph Giuliani, Six supreme court justices, Leon Panetta, John Kerry, Bill Clinton all traitors to America and the Kingdom of G-d. Look around in your church at those who protect her with foolish words like “If it wasn’t for them.” these are the tares.

The Bible said there would be traitors in the last days who would give heed to seducing spirits.

Our own Whitehouse is filled with them,  Donald Trump educated under Catholic Jesuits.

We were warned that there would be traitors among us in the last days are houses have tares and how do we determine which really love Jesus from those who only love him with their lips?

Don’t let the white suit fool you.  The Emperor of Rome is wearing new clothes and not washed in the blood.

Destroying America like Germany because of our love for God’s word and the setting of souls free was the goal of the devil.  How was he going to stop us? One just needs to ask the Catholic In Action community.

I should have given the Appointed Time of Death another title thinking that this generation is fascinated by the subject of death I would draw them to see the truth.

By taking the day a person life ended and pointing to the Psalm it referenced because it is God who assigns the day. I only took people who denied him and major cult figures that have led millions to hell and showed you what God showed me.

Pope John Paul II 2 April 2005 Died at the age of 84

2+4+20+05+84 Psalm 115:1-18

Don’t tell me I do not care.

I came with a solution.

You can’t stop God from Returning.

However, you can prepare the way.

Brother Abel





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