Decepticons are Tricksters and Liars and They Exist in Spirit.

In the movie franchise “The Transformers” we learn of evil little robots called Decepticons that take on the appearance of everyday objects the following description of them for those not in the know is from the wiki and I am not a fan of deception or the Transformers for that matter. However, what they do is reveal something the body of Christ must do before the return of Christ and why we must call out the 144,000 today so that the world will see that we are serious of what is next. We must grow like Optimus Prime.

The wiki- The Decepticons are a malevolent race of robot warriors, brutal and merciless. The Decepticons are driven by a single undeviating goal: total domination of the universe. In the war that raged between the Decepticons (deceivers) and Autobots (Christians) for millions of years, their home planet of Cybertron (heaven) was drained of its once rich sources ( joyful) energy (angels who freely chose to reject God’s standards and now are not so joyful).

Separated from God is a terrible place to be.

The Bible clearly reveals that liars will have their part in the lake of fire, we know that this present system is reserved for destruction when the Sun after the reign of Christ goes Super Nova. Those souls that die without him will be stuck here having died in their sins and refused a place in heaven with those who followed Jesus.

Angels as seen on NASA videos the people are standing in the sun as it seems to be enlarged like a lake of fire and the members-only area only those who come under and are washed in the blood of Christ. The rest are demons not allowed in shaped as parasites. They will use viruses to heard us to our deaths.


In the church, we are told of the tares that sit among us and they are so cunning you can hardly tell they are agents of Satan sent to keep millions of souls from finding Christ by having us fall for their deception. In Rome, they once persecuted the Christians until they turned down the heat and took over the word, and brought back a controlling priesthood to profit off the labors of others. Then they cranked up the heat again to persecute those who would leave their gang hurting their profit margin.

They also hid the word, manipulated the word,  spun the word,  but never understood the word!

Peter FEED MY SHEEP!!!  Get rid of those idols have you never seen the bondage they went under for serving them???

Jewish people are already pro-life! Now let’s show them what real Christians can do,  dump idolatry, and honor God!

The Jewish people represent the angels who waited for the SON in heaven and kept the law of faith. So you know the angels are watching how you treat them will determine your departure status, you can say you have the HOLY SPIRIT prove it! Get rid of the paganism in the church!

Dave Hunt
Video- Deception in the Church

Video- Deception in the Church

Dave Hunt points out that deception in the church is nothing else than doctrines of devils. He explains lies that have entered the protestant evangelical church of our day, namely the denial of the deity of Christ, denial that forgiveness comes through the blood of Jesus, Inner healing, Alpha Course, etc. We should avoid being sidetracked by lying spirits.

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Seeking and Finding God

Seeking and Finding God

In Search of the True Faith Readers of Dave's book, An Urgent Call to A Serious Faith, will recognize and appreciate that this handy volume includes revised versions of the first eight chapters of that powerful work, plus an entirely new chapter, which together serve to make this a powerful tool for evangelism and discipleship. It is astonishing how many millions of otherwise seemingly intelligent people are willing to risk their eternal destiny upon less evidence than they would require for buying a car or even a low-carb food item—yet the belief of so many, particularly in the area of religion, has no rational or factual foundation. With well-researched arguments and compelling proof, this book demonstrates that the issue of where one will spend eternity is not a matter of preference (like joining the Elks instead of the Lions). In fact, there is overwhelming evidence that we are eternal beings who will spend eternity somewhere. But where will it be? And how can we know? There is no more important question to be faced—and answered.
Table of Contents:
1. The Necessity of Certainty
2. Of God and Human Destiny
3. Of Bodies and Spirits
4. In Search of the True Faith
5. Concerning Prayer
6. Shortcut to Truth
7. What is the Gospel?
8. Mercy vs. Works
9. The Call to Discipleship

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Video-The False “Unity” Of Ecumenism

Video-The False “Unity” Of Ecumenism

Top Reviewer Comments

Dave Hunt (1926-2013) was a forthright Evangelical apologist who could never be accused of mincing words when it came to the Gospel. In this film, Hunt examines how ecumenism squares with God's Word. Special emphasis is given to the Vatican's efforts to gather together all of the world's religions under its leadership.

Scripture says there is only one way of salvation, by God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Ecumenists claim there is truth in all religions and that everyone can merit Heaven by "following the light they've been given" and by being "good." The current pope has said EVEN ATHEISTS will merit Heaven if they are "good" and follow their consciences.

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The Seduction of Christianity: Spiritual Discernment in the Last Days

The Seduction of Christianity: Spiritual Discernment in the Last Days

The Bible clearly states that a great Apostasy must occur before Christ’s second coming. Today Christians are being deceived by a world view more subtle and more seductive than any before.


What are the dangers in the growing acceptance and practice of—

  • positive and possibility thinking
  • healing of memories
  • self-help philosophies
  • holistic medicine

The seduction of Christianity will not appear as a frontal assault or oppression of our religious beliefs. Instead, it will come as the latest fashionable philosophies offering to make us happier, healthier, better educated, and even more spiritual.

A compelling look at the times we live in. A clear call to every believer to choose between the original and the counterfeit. Only then can we hope to escape The Seduction of Christianity.

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What Love Is This?: Calvinism’s Misrepresentation of God

What Love Is This?: Calvinism’s Misrepresentation of God

Berean Call is pleased to announce the publication of Dave Hunt's crucial critique of Calvinism—now in paperback! This fourth edition has a couple of noteworthy differences and advantages from the third hardcover edition. First of all, this important resource is now able to be distributed to Christian inmates (hardcover books are not permitted in prison). Second, in order to make the book more portable and affordable, chapters 30 and 31 (which presented the fictional but true-to-life account of "Al" and "Jan") have been extracted. The material from these two chapters is contained in a separate book: A Calvinist's Honest Doubts. Lastly, documentation and formatting have been fine-tuned to improve accuracy and readability. We trust that even more readers will be blessed by the availability and increased "share-ability" of this important work. Discussions with many people around the world reveal that multitudes of sincere, Bible-believing Christians are "Calvinists" only by default. It takes only a few simple questions to discover the fact that most of those who regard themselves as Calvinists are largely unaware of what John Calvin and his early followers of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries actually believed and practice. Nor do they fully understand what most of today's leading Calvinists believe. What Love Is This? exposes the true beliefs of Calvinism and addresses all the issues surrounding this doctrine.

Contents: 1. Why This Book?
2. Is Biblical Understanding Reserved for an Elite?
3. John Calvin and His Institutes
4. Calvinism's Surprising Catholic Connection
5. Irresistibly Imposed "Christianity"
6. Arminius, Dort, Westminster, and Five Points
7. Total Depravity
8. The Solemn Issue: God's Character
9. The Truth about Human Depravity
10. A Distorted Sovereignty
11. Sovereignty and Free Will
12. Foreknowledge and Man's Will
13. Erasmus and Luther in Debate
14. The Bondage of the Will?
15. Unconditional Election
16. Is Salvation Available to All?
17. Foreknowledge and Predestination/Election
18. Limited Atonement
19. Abusing God's Word
20. Understanding Pivotal Scriptures
21. More Pivotal Scriptures
22. Irresistible Grace
23. The Calvinist's Irresolvable Problem
24. When Grace Isn't Grace
25. Grace and Human Responsibility
26. Calvinism's Errors Are Serious
27. Persuasion, the Gospel, and God
28. When Is "Love" Not Love?
29. Perseverance of the Saints

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A Woman Rides the Beast: The Roman Catholic Church and the Last Days

A Woman Rides the Beast: The Roman Catholic Church and the Last Days

Are you missing half the story about the last days? Virtually all attention these days is focused on the coming Antichrist―but he is only half the story. Many people are amazed to discover in Revelation 17 that there is also another mysterious character at the heart of prophecy―a woman who rides the beast.

Who is this woman? Tradition says she is connected with the church of Rome. But isn’t such a view outdated? After all, today’s Vatican is eager to join hands with Protestants worldwide. “The Catholic church has changed” is what we hear.

Or has it? In A Woman Rides the Beast, prophecy expert Dave Hunt sifts through biblical truth and global events to present a well-defined portrait of the woman and her powerful place in the Antichrist’s future empire. Eight remarkable clues in Revelation 17 and 18 prove the woman’s identity beyond any reasonable doubt.

A provocative account of what the Bible tells us is to come.

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The Mind Invaders: A Novel

The Mind Invaders: A Novel

Author: Dave Hunt
Genre: Novel
Tag: Entertaining

THE COLD WAR FOR PSYCHIC DOMINION HEATS UP! Ken Inman experienced an exhilaration beyond his wildest imagination. He had made contact! Excitedly he listened: “We’ve been watching your development—we’re here to help you take the next step. Open up. There’s nothing to fear.” Spine-tingling action follows this incredible breakthrough in mind research. Opening doors to the unlimited vistas of the mind, the Archons share their gift of psychic power, promising a new era of peace. But then governments get involved... Discovering the CIA and Russian Intelligence’s battle for psychic control, famed journalist Carla Bertelli delves into the power behind the Archons. Convinced they are benevolent, she is devastated when Ken renounces the paranormal and embraces Christianity. Torn between her love for Ken and her contempt for his “demons theory,” Carla plunges into a search for the truth that becomes a desperate race against time... Reader Reviews: “I couldn’t put this book down. Dave Hunt does a wonderful job with this fictional book, originally written as a screenplay. It presents some [fascinating factual ideas] within a fictional setting. The explanation Dave Hunt provides...for UFOs and Aliens is actually quite reasonable and believable.... Well done. It has remained my favorite book since I first picked it up. Good Job Dave Hunt!” —IW “First published in 1989 but perhaps more up to date than today’s newspaper. I seldom read fiction but I got into this. The best fiction book I have ever read.” —TG “A great book to learn about aliens and UFO invasions. The Mind Invaders gets down to the truth about physics and fortune tellers.... One of Dave Hunt’s best!” —EY “The Mind Invaders is a must read! I picked up this book by accident. However, after I began reading it I simply could not put it down! Dave Hunt weaves a tale of intrigue, suspense, and super-reality that may give answers to the complex question of UFOs, ascended masters, and the netherworld that surrounds us. This is simply quite a compelling work of fiction that is more reality and truth than one may want to admit. I highly recommend it to all.” —DF “An excellent novel, a must-read, a hard book to put down! This is the best fiction novel that I have ever read.... A very realistic book—something that could happen, or may be happening now. Thanks, Dave Hunt for such a good book.” —AR (Originally titled: The Archon Conspiracy)

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Yoga and the Body of Christ

Yoga and the Body of Christ

Promising to bring peace, healing, and wholeness (even prosperity!) to its practitioners, readers will be shocked to discover that yoga is, in fact, based on the worship of (and prepares participants for supernatural connection with) unholy spirits that manifest in extraordinary and dangerous ways. The author—an avid promoter of biblically based physical, mental, and spiritual wholeness—distinguishes pure truth from popular belief in this revealing expose. Every Christian should be informed of the true origins and effects of the practice of yoga and its ungodly roots in Kundalini energy—which, literally defined, means an awakening of the "Serpent Power."

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The Nonnegotiable Gospel

The Nonnegotiable Gospel

Most people are surprised to learn that the gospel contains nothing about baptism, church membership or attendance, tithing, sacraments or rituals, diet or clothing. In fact, if we add anything to the gospel, we have perverted it. So whether you are just checking out what the Bible has to say or whether you’ve been attending church for years, this booklet cuts through religious confusion. It contains no hidden agenda or clever doctrines of men. Instead, it invites the reader into a pure, personal relationship with Jesus Christ through an unadulterated understanding of God’s Word. This evangelistic booklet reveals the gem of the gospel in every clear-cut facet for anyone desiring a precise biblical definition of the gospel.

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There are no such things as psychics who can communicate with your loved ones they prey on you because of the love you have for them. If we take Jesus at his word concerning the rich man and Lazurus Luke 16:19-31 they cannot travel from where they have gone to communicate through someone that flat out denies the teachings and warnings of God not to practice such things as they are an abomination to him. Meaning it is a demon involved. That goes for calling on dead saints as well in case you missed the deception.

Talking to a dearly departed loved one is understandable but if they start communicating back I would question their residence. Always talk to God who is alive in the name of HIS SON JESUS.

It is nice to hear words that tickle our ears such as they are in a better place,  giving us no fear of there could be no other place. Jesus said if we confessed HIM before man he would confess us before HIS FATHER in heaven and if we denied HIM before man he would deny us before HIS Father in heaven.

If everyone were to go into heaven it would be this all over again.

As a Jesuit even those instructed by them, help destroy churches and ministries. But as one reads the Scriptures, one will see that Catholicism cannot save. Alberto is the emotional story of a Jesuit priest who left the Catholic Church and found salvation through faith in Jesus Christ alone. He became a hunted man, because he knew the carefully guarded secrets of the Vatican.

Is Alberto For Real?

Is Alberto For Real?

Author: Sidney Hunter
Genre: Crusaders
Tag: Crusaders

In 1979, Chick Publications printed the first in a series of highly controversial comics based on the life of ex-Jesuit priest, Alberto Rivera. Once converted to Christ, Alberto began exposing the Vatican's most closely guarded secrets. His information shocked the world.

Responding to his startling statements, Rome and many so-called Christians cried, "Alberto is a fraud." For many years, the battle has raged. Millions have asked: "Is Alberto For Real?"

Here is the answer ... 96 pages ... packed with rock solid evidence, proving Alberto Rivera is for real.

...History proves he's real!
...Many other writers prove he's real!

If you've ever wondered about the veracity of Alberto's alarming allegations about the Roman Catholic church, this book is a must.

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So uncle Joe, Fred,  Aunt Alice never talked about Jesus or revealed they had a spiritual connection with HIM good chances they are not in a better place. There is no in-between no matter what the Mormons try and tell us, and purgatory denies the work and purpose of Christ. I cannot fathom that men of God would charge you for them to say prayers to release a loved one from purgatory how twisted is that nothing short of the dictates of sociopaths.

Luke 16:19-31

Hypnotism is for the weak-minded and gullible so it stands to reason that the Psychics are attracted to these kinds of individuals as well.

Loss of time abductions simply possession by the demonic forces around us giving us false memories to mask their work through us.

It’ is the belief that the Protestant Church began because King Henry the Eighth wanted an annulment from his wife from the Catholic Church so he could marry another one that could provide him with an heir for his throne. Thank God then they did not know it was the man who determined the gender of the child or we would have never had the Bible open to us.

Though I am pretty sure it may have come another way it was eventually going to be opened and isn’t it amazing that the church began killing people for reading the Bible claiming those who did so outside the purview of the church were antichrists?? They killed Protestants for the fear that the antichrist would be among them??? Maybe he would expose them as frauds how did they know it would even be a Protestant? This would mean if he is at the bottom of the hill then he would need to get to the top of the hill and the danger would be what for them if it were a Protestant?

Latin is a DEAD language!

Led by the small majority of educated individuals as was Germany and now America with no spiritual discernment.

Exorcisms were faked like fake news all to convince people of their power.  I got seven words that can do much the same thing and divide the kingdoms between light and dark.

In 1632, the Devil came to Loudun, France. For nearly five years, dozens of priests performed hundreds of public exorcisms on a convent of nuns who claimed they were possessed by demons. The nuns accused a parish priest, Urbain Grandier, of making a deal with the Devil.

I listen to this podcast in my tractor when I am not listening to the Bible on Audible or one of the many splendid Christian authors and their books.

Why would anyone want a job that requires them to lie when the Bible is clear about where liars go?

Have they no concern for their soul or the soul of another?

Brother Abel,


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