You’ll never guess who is getting left behind in the tribulation?

I just went through this audiobook for my second time and if you have not heard it once,  you should. It’s a great way to test to see if you have the HOLY SPIRIT who God promised us would lead us into all truth. If I had to rate it, it’s FIVE stars if there was a higher rating system I would give it more.

How much do you love your brother? Your neighbor or the people you work with?

Did God allow HIS dragon to dress himself up and watch how many would follow and betray HIM?

James 5:19-20
(19)  Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him;
(20)  Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.

Have you or somebody you know been duped? It is alarming how many people have bowed to the image of the beast without even being aware they are doing it. This tells me discernment is not with many, oddly the gifts are plentiful.

Who was the beast before the fall? He was covered with every precious stone and led a rebellion against God by not honoring God’s will and word, he had plans on taking over heaven and placing his followers in positions of power that placed no value on the SON or honored HIS desires of unity and harmony. No, they were jealous and wanted to be treated as equal to the SON and worship whomever they wanted however they wanted. A recipe for disaster is being played out here.

On the earth, the beast is the governments of the world that the woman tries to control.

The map comes from the Jesuit website. Is the world a better place is America any longer the nation we once so loved?


Psalm 56:1-2

The beast is still the one with no interest in women physically, emotionally, or spiritually but his plans are to build his one world order to place his antichrist into power.

You really need to hear this book turned into a podcast, before the second coming so you do not shake your fists at God after getting left behind only because you joined this Jezebel-like Church.

I’m here to do you a favor and so give it a listen and see if I be good or evil.

On Christ the solid ROCK I stand,  all other ground is sinking sand. Their rock is not as my ROCK and this book proves it.

It’s a city that sits on seven hills and America is not a city but a country once a thriving Protestant Nation sure we weren’t all believers in America,  but the day is still young.

You’re going to show me who’s boss by getting me to do your bidding and bowing to your Roman Jesus????

Think again once you hear this book what will you do with me?

Dave Hunt made the appointed times list.

His taken home date chosen by God points to a Psalm that reveals he feared the LORD. He was outspoken on the deception of Ecumenism. He was elect and could not be deceived he knows who the woman of Revelation is Psalms 128:1-6. Just like my encourager and fellow Crusader David Recupero who Father took home 37 days after September 9/11 Psalm 37:1-40, it’s the same woman.  Father does not blame Islam. It was Jezebel’s priest with their many voices. Which would make many churches and people false witnesses,  are you a false witness? This book reveals she was behind it.

So who do you think is staying behind?

Nothing Found

Miracles Happen

Brother Abel.


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