Conception of Life

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The images below speak volumes as to when life begins.  The eight  reveals that life is eternal / infinite there are some who are struggling to come into heaven where life is while others are struggling to leave the confines of their never-ending torment. One must begin their heavenly life here in order to be accepted into heaven. Sin and violence will not enter in. If you cannot play well outside you are not coming inside where life is delicate and precious.  G-d (Father) likes peace and quiet except for shouts of  joy and acclamation.

Psalms 46:10  Be still, and know that I am G-d: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.

The Holy one spoke and BANG the worlds were created.

The Holy one spoke and BANG the worlds were created. Appeared on 8/13/2000 same field as below which appears one year and one day later.


The face of a man and the returned Arecibo message appeared 8/14/2001 the angels and Abel were watching 9/11/2001 and reveal who it is that G-d holds responsible.

Done 6/20/2005 Stephens Castle. Dr. Steven Jones BYU was right it was an inside job. He was silenced and then Mitt Romney LDS behind BYU was placed in as a candidate. We know who it is behind it all. These lines wrap around the globe and fall dead center on the Vatican. The true axis of evil.

Done 6/20/2005 Stephens Castle. Dr. Steven Jones BYU was right it was an inside job. He was silenced and then Mitt Romney member of LDS who is the founders of  BYU was placed in as a candidate. We know who it is behind it all. These lines wrap around the globe and fall dead center on the Vatican. The true axis of evil these are our two witnesses… Steven Jones and Mitt Romney’s candidacy that it was an inside job. The Vatican always saw America as a heretical nation needing to be brought under their influence which historically has been death.

Chilbolton England

Chilbolton England 8/14/2001

Compare the communication device in the returned Carl Sagan Aricebo message message a year after and to the day the above G-d spoke appeared.

Compare the communication device in the returned Carl Sagan Aricebo message a year after and to the day the above Holy one spoke appeared. The population in the return message reveals 24 billion from where it came.

Compare the Eight image to what you will see in NASA’s STS75 video beneath.  Confirming signs in the heavens and in the earth below.

Acts 2:17-19
(17)  And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith G-d, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:
(18)  And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy:
(19)  And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke:

G-d protects the unborn proof men at night did not make these!

G-d protects the unborn proof men at night did not make these circles!

It is the great eight on its side infinity the number for new beginnings Noah replenished the earth using the eight that were saved on the ark. We know G-d rested on the seventh day Jesus will rule 1000 years on the earth in visible form  the whole world will see him return from the heavens. After the 1000 year reign of Christ,  this solar system will melt with a fervent heat as G-d makes a new heaven and new earth with those who want to be with Him.  He is my Lord, and He is my Master. I am here to prepare his way separating the believers from the unbelievers.


8 is prominent, there are 21 upper circles Psalm 21:1-13 emphasis Psalm 21:8. 21 lower circles for a Proverb 21:1-31 Proverb 21:8 Proverb 21:16. As for the sperm/soul trying to enter heaven upper there are 21 Psalm 42:1-11 Psalm 42:8 below the same only they are trying to escape torment. There is no proverb 42 so we will look at Psalm 84:1-12 Psalm 84:8 I am assured that even those separated from Him will give Him the glory due His name. The center is life the egg for one month and the surrounding 8 for a total of 9 months until one enters the world were once born we can choose heaven or hell. We have the half sections four all together there are 4 very important commandments and four important gospels to help us keep them. The total is 97 sections for Psalm 97:1- 12


The book of Enoch the watchers says G-d gave the rebellious a different form. How befitting they look like things that bring death and decay.


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