Inspirational Posters

I will be adding to these from time to time as I feel moved by the Spirit. The Judgment Day Excuses are to motivate the mind. The truth is there will be no excuses. We are here because the angels who rebelled in heaven denied the need to worship the Son and wanted to set up their own government and systems of order, feeling they could do better. Many argued the reality of the Son to begin with. Some kept saying HE was not real, and they opted to become their own gods unto themselves.

The problem with government without the proper head leads to confusion and violence over territory, in a physical world it becomes about things that we deem valuable. Gold. Oil, women, and precious minerals in general. With so many wanting to be gods rather than serve HIM, we end up with confusion. The other gods need people to lead, and none of them are going in the right direction, if the blind lead the blind what will happen?

Lucifer was created to curb the rebellion; the problem with free will is the right not to honor G-d. Rather than doing the work he was originally created to do, having been placed in the best position to do so. He opted over a period of time to lead the rebellion. Hindsight is always 20/20 those who followed him live in regret and misery for all eternity. They lost everything. Don’t be like them, they will spend eternity in the lake of fire. The lake of fire is this solar system in super nova after the 1000 years of Christ’s reign have ended. The soul needs some place to go and without the SON, it stays with those who also rejected HIM; it’s not pretty to desire the things you became addicted to and not have. Spirit is eternal and G-d does not make exceptions.

you can almost hear the conversation of the half hearted. So you seen the Son yet? You know HE's playing you for a stooge.

Turning G-d’s friend against him…You can almost hear the conversation of the half hearted. So you seen the Son yet Lou? You know HE’s playing you for a stooge.

The angels whom chose to stay with G-d reflect on the past on their part in it all. They were just as responsible for Lucifer’s choice as well. Had they understood his role in returning their friends back to the true and the highest G-d, they may have assisted him with greater enthusiasm.

Instead, they were apathetic and jealous of the call. The Story of Joseph and his coat of many colors reveal that very story to us, Leah the children (angels) behind the veil. While Joseph and Benjamin are who the father labored the longest for and loved the most.

The problem with Lucifer’s idea and denial of the Son created this world we are living in. We are like they once were, worshiping what we cannot see our advantage is greater than theirs because we have proof of the existence of the Son and have no excuse. We have the visualization of the very thing that took place before G-d threw them out and shut the door, so they could never disrupt his peaceful heaven. He took a stand and will not allow anyone in who does not honor HIS Son. Who, by the way, was HIM. G-d is Spirit, and HE needed a body to walk among us and teach us directly the will of the Father. G-d this time will leave the wicked to the world they chose to make. They could have always gone another way.

G-d can work with clay (willing hearts).

G-d can work with clay (willing hearts).

G-d is doing in the end what took place in heaven; HE needs one major light bearer like Lucifer was in heaven to do the exact same thing. To carry HIS lamps and win the lost back to Christ.

Will you be like the angels and turn the light bearer against G-d? Or will you help him in bringing the lost back to Christ?

Once this is done the iron hearts will be left to be softened by the heat of tribulation. Satan will get his final seven years without restriction. Many will run to Christ it is the plan, though hidden well within scripture.

The Bible was written by light, light is the only thing that can decode it. Our marching orders are as follows… Make this world as much like heaven as possible before Satan gets his seven years. That means everyone must participate and honor G-d’s light bearer if you are to win your lost loved ones back to Christ.

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This one is self explanatory the children who walk in light and they who love truth do not believe that a fire took down WTC7.

This one is self-explanatory, The children who walk in light, and those who love truth. Do not believe that a fire took down WTC7. Seven here represents the little horn of Daniel 8 and truth that can set many free.



This is way far too true. Unfortunately, we are a forgiving people and should only be when one shows signs of repentance. They merely changed their names the demons continued through them. G-d rejoices in the death of HIS real saints not the ones pretending to be. I appreciate those who support pro life, but darkness has a hidden agenda always.



The eagle is G-d’s most beloved of birds, and HE has one in HIS throne room. Satan takes what G-d loves and uses it against HIM. However, you knew that already.


The purpose of light is to expose darkness and set the lost free. Satan began the priesthood in Babylon. G-d shows what it is that pleases HIM the only G-d, once the Exodus takes place. At the cross, the final sacrifice is made, and G-d ended the priesthood; its purpose served. So who brought it back 300 years after it ended?

The purpose of light is to expose darkness and set the lost free. Satan began the priesthood in Babylon. G-d shows what it is that pleases HIM the only G-d, once the Exodus takes place. At the cross, the final sacrifice is made, and G-d ended the priesthood; its purpose served. So who brought it back 300 years after it ended?


He wonderfully destroys the mighty and holy people Daniel 8:23-24.

He wonderfully destroys the mighty and holy people Daniel 8:23-24. The sixes they hold is “Thou shall not kill.” The end of mans days. These ruthless priest’s dishonor G-d and lead many astray, Rome at its roots has always been the puppets for darkness.

Added 11/29

Those who have studied the Bible know that before the fall of man a heavenly rebellion took place. No women existed so the first spirits of the rebellion only wanted to rule above the SON. Women were sought after by angels in the second rebellion before the flood. One is Satan's group the other is Prince of persia's group however without the spirit of G-d any demon can use you.

Those who have studied the Bible know that before the creation of man, a heavenly rebellion took place. No women existed so the first spirits of the primary rebellion only wanted to rule above the SON set up their own kingdoms and rulers. Women were sought after by angels in the second rebellion before the flood. One is Satan’s group the other is Prince of Persia’s group. However, without the spirit of G-d, any demon can use you. Satan loves to play church…But you knew that already. This union of Catholicism and Islam was made in heaven. G-d will not be mocked, and he will use one to punish the other…I suggest REPENTANCE is in order before the return of Christ.


Darkness blinds the eyes of the people from seeing the truth light comes to open our eyes. Men love darkness because it hides their evil works. The enemy did not have a TiVo in the day.

Darkness blinds the eyes of the people from seeing the truth. Light comes to open our eyes. Men love darkness because it hides their evil works. The enemy did not have a TiVo in the day, so he had to improvise the moment he enjoyed the most. People who accept the harlot as Christian lose all abilities to discern the full truth. It reveals how little Christ, and HIS work meant to them. Don’t be fooled by a well-trained dog is still just a dog. It’s how much light are they willing to use, protecting evil makes one wicked no matter how many right things one speaks.


Using the name of Christ to build Satan's one world order took the priesthood to blind the eyes of the lost from being filled with the HOLY SPIRIT. Religion became the substitute and works replaced grace. Jesus makes no one work for what HE offers freely.

Using the name of Christ to build Satan’s one-world order took the priesthood to blind the eyes of lost souls from being filled with the HOLY SPIRIT. Religion became the substitute, and works replaced grace. Jesus makes no one work for what HE offers freely. For by grace, you are saved and not by works lest any man boast.


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