UFO`s an Ancient Aliens Debunked (Part 2) – Ancient Artifacts

Those who refuse to believe in God are destined to believe in nonsense.  The Bible has the answers and God wants us to study it to show ourselves approved RIGHTLY dividing the word of truth.

Jesus called the devil a liar and a MURDERER from the beginning he was created long before man was ever made so how did he become a MURDERER?

Let us rightly divide and pray for Kent Hovind.

Spirit is eternal and only flesh and blood can be murdered.

It was not ancient aliens here before man it was fallen angels beginning their NEW WORLD ORDER.

An order that insulted the SON of GOD,  the lie he may have spewed among the angels to stir the rebellion could have been GOD has no SON.  Much like what we hear Islam saying today.

How do we know angels became flesh the clue is in Genesis 6:3 who do we know that is flesh and need not be reminded that we are? This is the Angel over Persia called the Prince of Persia that began the rebellion to be with the women.

They did not follow Lucifer but because of him, women were created to bring flesh into the world so that HIS STORY could be told.

The book of Enoch Chapter 6 (not a coincidence) tells you of this undertaking by the angels and they blame Lucifer for the loss of their heavenly estate they became trapped in the earth as spirits still among us. We see that in the way they treat their women in that part of the world.

They will not like so many of us have betrayed God by bowing to the foolishness of ROME because the Angel over ROME is Satan!

The first set of angels wanted power and there were no women around in the first fall and so there is no desire for them and the reason they refuse to honor God’s word to go forth and multiply.

This is one of the many reasons God condemns the practice of women worship claiming ignorantly a queen lives in heaven,  all women are queens in their own right and as children of the most high will be treated as such in heaven. The only queen God is concerned with FATHER is ISRAEL whom HE had a SON with who makes us HIS bride.

They continue building Satan’s one world order using us as puppets and pets utilizing ROME to do it.

When they had flesh and began to build their new world order they ignorantly built the symbols of the battle in what we now call Egypt.

The very reason God tells Abraham his descendants will be placed in bondage for four hundred years and the very reason he went silent after Malachi to allow the enemy to build his empire up again.   This time in ROME where all the pantheon of false gods gathered to hinder the work of the true and living God.

This supports the idea that the SON of man was unknown to the Angels whom they were called to worship in faith. Why else build an effigy of the SON and proclaim that if HE ever shows up HE would make him his pet? He did not believe that the SON was real because he did not see HIM,  although like us he carried the light.

We are blessed because we have visual and verbal confirmation.

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