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- The High Cost of Cheap Prices — 2 comments
- The great falling away now you will know which way without any doubt. — 2 comments
- Episode Seventeen — 1 comments
- Episode Twenty-seven — 1 comments
- Episode Eleven — 1 comments
Hollywood has nothing on G-d when it comes to frightening. The unseen world around us becomes more visible as advancements in our technology increases. By bringing that which was invisible into the visible our understanding of it increases. It happened for the angels who insisted on seeing the Most High G-d. He needed to become …
[spreaker type=standard width=100% autoplay=false episode_id=5348767] After watching the video below you will see it will not be as hard as some may think. The way they write reveals the creation story, and they are aware of three who bear witness. Keep in mind it is the devil that tells you they can’t be reached in …
The following video is a PSA encouraging fatherhood. G-d is our Father, who is encouraging it also in the idea that hundreds of millions should be running out of the theaters into the streets directly into the arms of His Son Jesus. Oh the joys of watching them come to Jesus in time for resurrection. …
[spreaker type=standard width=100% autoplay=false episode_id=5335819] The image below I am calling the maze of lies. It is man-made and not done by the lamps that point to scripture. The tells are quite obvious it is not balanced choppy in several spots. However, what the devil meant for evil, we can make into good. He is …
[spreaker type=standard width=100% autoplay=false episode_id=5327359] The image is called…” Hitting it out of the park!” When we were children, we used to have a community closet at school where we hung our outer garments and took our place at a desk. At the end of the day the bell rang, we took back our coverings …
Once upon a time only the most educated of men were allowed to read the Bible while the ignorant, blind and dumb were told what to do by those who were educated. I may not be educated to their liking or the liking of many. However, G-d chooses the foolish to confound those who think …
People say the damnedest things, one of them is when someone dies that it comes in threes. We are facing the next WWIII could this just be a coincidence along with the uprising of 666? Is it not the will of G-d that he be known to all? Does G-d not insist in his triune …
He simply placed a value on His Son. What is G-d’s Son’s honor worth to Him? What is Jesus’s honor valued at to you? After all, He is the only-begotten Son of G-d full of grace and truth who suffered for the sins of the world, mine and yours. Real Christians know that G-d loves …
G-d is the father of lights, and we also know Lucifer was once a light bearer hence his name. He was created to shine on the Son bringing praise and glory to the Father. Now he rules darkness, in which he does not do this any longer; he tries to keep others from seeing the …
[spreaker type=standard width=100% autoplay=false episode_id=5290202] The image is that of a temple we find throughout America within them people whom deny the very deity of Christ while they place his name on their delusional misunderstanding of his word. Above the temple the star of Bethlehem. At Christmas, these people shine as they sing wonderfully while …
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