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- The High Cost of Cheap Prices — 2 comments
- The great falling away now you will know which way without any doubt. — 2 comments
- Episode Seventeen — 1 comments
- Episode Twenty-seven — 1 comments
- Episode Eleven — 1 comments
Jesus was born in a manger, revealing HE did not need those trappings of precious stones. HE gave up the glories of HIS KINGDOM to be among us. HE did not come to the top of the hill where the power was but at the bottom where HE could reach more. The angels should have …
King David was to Israel the greatest King ever, and the word of God (Bible) teaches us he was a man after God’s own heart. Many of the crop circles on the grounds of Protestant England point to these Psalms as I know without a doubt God is after our hearts and minds. Today we …
Thank you, mom wherever and whoever you are, sorry I missed you. Thank you for giving me life…I met Jesus! We are to treat our women with respect and honor. Fathers love your daughters and be the first man she dates and wants to marry and you will love your son in law. First from …
David was a man after God’s own heart and he wrote many of the Psalms that the crop circles are pointing to because God is after our hearts including the lost. God would like the Church of England the Anglican Church to be the master of ceremonies where many of these are made to celebrate …
When you make an agreement, you are to stick to it, keep your vows you made to the LORD. God promised the enemy seven years, and it is up to the church to get his temple built to get him those years. Cain was a tiller of the ground, which means he worked hard; he …
Getting the word of God into the hands of the lost was a significant breakthrough to the Salvation of many souls and thank you for your diligence, keeping King Henry from producing an heir for his throne allowed for the breaking away from the apostate religion that restored an unnecessary priesthood whose goal was to …
It is said that it was Albert Einstein who coined the phrase to do the same thing over and over again and expect different results is insanity. What can I say other than the man was a Genius?? Minus the fact he never understood Messiah nor accepted the one God had sent to be his …
Do I lack faith if I believe God to save billions of souls in the end? Hebrews 13:2 Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. In the second rebellion, the angels saw the daughters of men and bailed from heaven to be with them so God shortened man’s lifespan …
From Malachi to the Birth of Christ God remained silent on the earth in order to allow the enemy to gather all his false gods into Rome in order to hinder the work of Christ. The images below are part of the following audio message. Jesus is coming to destroy the wicked and will you …
Our God is brilliant, a wonderful counselour an everlasting Father who hates evil and will not allow sin or sinners into heaven without coming through HIS only begotten SON. We are all here because the rebellion in heaven insisted on seeing the SON and denied HIM the worship that Father insisted that HE was given …
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