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- The High Cost of Cheap Prices — 2 comments
- The great falling away now you will know which way without any doubt. — 2 comments
- Episode Seventeen — 1 comments
- Episode Twenty-seven — 1 comments
- Episode Eleven — 1 comments
There are only two places in scripture the word Babel appears once in Genesis 10:10 the other Genesis 11:9, which is the opposite event of September 911. This post was done on 10/10, and I wanted to remind everyone that free will hasn’t changed, nor will it. Babylon is mentioned 294 times in 260 verses …
Donald Trump has invited China to investigate Joe Biden, this theatre of deceivers; you were warned about by people like Jesse Ventura, Alex Jones, and even Pixar, and I warned you by explaining “Finding Nemo,” which is Omen spelled backward in case you missed it. The angels have tried multiple times to warn us, and …
How to focus on what’s important. We are to believe that a restored priesthood of 313 AD of Gentile origins has Peter as their first Pope, the one in whom Jesus commissioned three times to go to the lost sheep of Israel and feed them. They have failed severely, having placed a rock of offense …
The greatest treasures are found in the Bible; then, the next greatest treasures would be a man who finds a good woman or a woman who finds the right man who produces their own gems and makes them children of the kingdom. Proverbs 22:6 KJV Train up a child in the way he should go: …
This sentence was spoken to me twice sixty days apart when I tried to explain what God had told me. Once by the treasure, he used the “Hath” having possessed a KJV and the second time by the Pastor with the NASB who used the “Has” word for word. I could see it was the …
Before anyone enters into heaven sin must be discarded, removed, eliminated from the individual it is not welcome in heaven to go there with it would make heaven like earth and God has plans to destroy this earth in favor of a new heaven and earth where sin has no place in it. HE promises …
You decide this time. The list began after Father led me to look closer at the death of Stephen Hawking and the amazing coincidences he and Albert Einstein had in common. Hawking was, after all mechanically vocal about his unbelief in God. As a Christian, I do not believe in coincidence, just the divine hand …
Samuel prophesied over Saul that he should become a new man. And the Spirit of the LORD will come upon thee, and thou shalt prophesy with them, and shalt be turned into another man. (1 Samuel 10:6 KJV) To leave planet earth we all need the new man experience. God is not letting everyone into …
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And …
In the King James, “Truth” is mentioned 237 times in 224 verses in the NASB 188 verses and in the NIV 127 verses, the ESV 130 verses, the Douay Rheims 281 verses 295 times and the last the Geneva Bible with only six verses. This information is provided by the software e-Sword that is a …
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