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- The High Cost of Cheap Prices — 2 comments
- The great falling away now you will know which way without any doubt. — 2 comments
- Episode Seventeen — 1 comments
- Episode Twenty-seven — 1 comments
- Episode Eleven — 1 comments
Proverbs 14:12 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. The featured image is the funeral of Pope John Paul II who passed away on 2 April 2005 (aged 84) God knows the day of the end of a man’s life 2+4+20+05+84 = Psalm …
There is no need to counterfeit unless there is a value in doing so, which means there has to be an original in which to copy. The secret service in America has the responsibility of shutting down operations that counterfeit the American banknotes. In order to spot the fake, they study the original, many have …
I had an Armenian Pastor who mentioned something about this holocaust against his people that took place back in 1915 44 years before my birth; two world wars took place before 1959. I never paid any attention until this week when I saw this movie with Christian Bale who played an Associated Press reporter in …
Is there anything on the site that says I’m on the wrong side of this? I will never deny Jesus Christ I would soon denounce my only son or my closest friends. John 5:39-47 (39) Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. …
The sign of insanity is the repetition of something using the same ingredients while only changing the name of the elements without changing their construct and expecting a different result. The heart of man we are told is wicked who can understand it? We fight because we are made in the image of God and …
Rather than being lied to that I could rule in hell. Rule over what? The non-existent water cooler??? He can’t create anything in fact that is the power he was hoping to attain when he rose above the most high. First, he should try to be like the most high like he said he was …
The religious leaders of Jesus’s day asked him to show them a sign, many were scoffing at HIM and laughing and this long before the trial of the Pharisees who were inspecting the sacrifice. Luke 9:51-56 (51) And it came to pass, when the time was come that he should be received up, he stedfastly …
Life is a gift though those who suffer may not think so. There are quadriplegics who do more for God than those of us who walk freely. Stephen Hawking noted Physicist who died on Pi day 3.14 also the birthday of Albert Einstien another noted Jewish Physicists one of God’s chosen people. Hawking could have …
Another Exodus this time to the real promised land. One of the reasons the enemy fought for Moses body was that he needed another. The one he had decayed and he knew his time would come after an Exodus and it would be a leader of God’s people. To help win the world to Christ, …
Jesus is the good shepherd who watches over us. Pastor’s are called to watch over their flocks. To ensure the Master that the sheep are well cared for and to watch for the wolves who would devour and destroy the sheep of the Master. In our case, the Master is Jesus. Pastor’s are to make …
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