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- The High Cost of Cheap Prices — 2 comments
- The great falling away now you will know which way without any doubt. — 2 comments
- Episode Seventeen — 1 comments
- Episode Twenty-seven — 1 comments
- Episode Eleven — 1 comments
Daniel who read the handwriting on the wall became the third most important person in Babylon the other two were Father and Son. In the Kingdom of G-d, the third most important person of the Trinity is the HOLY SPIRIT the other two are again the Father and the Son. The Holy Spirit is not a …
One is the loneliest number; two can be as bad as one it’s the loneliest number since the number one. That song was by “Three Dog Night.” Three is just right, and a three-fold cord is not easily broken. The Father (is the Son) and HE the SON gave up the Ghost upon the cross. G-d will never …
Everything is backward upside down and inside out. Some are made for the fire some made for the eternal glories of heaven. September 9/11 is the reverse of Genesis 11:9 it was meant to bring us together and acknowledge the truth, confusion in 11:9 confusion out 9:11 two groups involved themselves in taking down the …
One can not be a servant of the most high G-d if they ignore HIS teachings and not honor HIS commandments. Go forth and multiply was HIS first commandment for man. Satan hates children but knows his church needs them in order to exist. Do as they say not as they do! How many Catholic idols do …
Brothers and Sisters place on your mind of Christ and seek the wisdom of G-d this will enlighten you. King Jesus is the wisest man who ever walked, and those who have HIS SPIRIT would have access to HIS Wisdom. I keep hearing my minister preach King Solomon was the wisest, and I am praying …
Originally I was going to title this the Antichrist wannabees. Would anyone dare sit under such men who would be jealous of such a call? I did not want this call it would not have been my first choice. It is G-d who must exact justice and judgment on the wicked I seek they be …
In the kingdom of G-d there sat a throne a seat that sat emptied. The angels insisted the Son show himself. Some hoped in faith while others remained skeptical that HE ever would show up. Is it history repeating itself? Is it happening on earth as it was in heaven? To which of the angels …
I have heard this passage preached on by many ministers, and out of the same mouth hear the words that G-d did not place the numbering in scripture?!? Well, stop the presses get on your knees and repent all you ministers who clearly give it away you do not know G-d as well as you …
The CIA got its start after WWII when we showed the dragon and his church what we had in America that could kill millions in an instant. You knew he was coming for it. I heard they have a Bible passage written in their building that says “Know the truth and the truth will set …
Proverbs 17:22 A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. Jim Carrie is one of Hollywood’s most entertaining comedians who has had many of us roaring with laughter with his many characters that he has played, where would we be without laughter? What I like about him most …
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