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- The High Cost of Cheap Prices — 2 comments
- The great falling away now you will know which way without any doubt. — 2 comments
- Episode Seventeen — 1 comments
- Episode Twenty-seven — 1 comments
- Episode Eleven — 1 comments
Not what you think, but this one is what led to the other which is equally as nasty. The first four chapters of Proverbs deals with the need to obtain and cling to wisdom as one would cleave and love a woman. Just as important as the first four commandments in the ten. Chapter five warns …
G-d does not like to be provoked to anger, but sin does that. It is the rejection of truth for a lie. G-d loves us and HE walks in the fullness of truth. The promise of the HOLY SPIRIT is that when HE comes to us HE is there to lead us into all truth. …
History reveals that the church has claimed all technology is something the devil is behind. Tell that to the women at the laundromat who gave up the rocks and the washboards or who have oven’s that self-clean. Our passion to please our women or go to the outer galaxies has inspired our creativity most of …
We are a free and open society and something like this you would think would be impossible??? Our leaders would be held accountable, wouldn’t they? Not if they have no fear of G-d. You would think the news of this would be on one of the many media networks. When John F.Kennedy was assassinated we …
One of the greatest theologians of our time I feel was A.W. Tozer who wrote a book by the same title. I would highly recommend it as a book to have among your favorites when it comes to learning about G-d. One of G-d’s greatest gifts to man was to make us all Royal Priests …
The Bible clearly reveals that we are the “Walking Dead” and it’s not the theatrical version, today our society has a stronger draw to the subject of death and none towards the subject of life. We are all like Lazarus before meeting the Master who summons us to awaken to life and life more …
Recently I watched a video dealing with Egypt where the teacher spoke about returning to our spiritual roots and that Egyptians who were earlier understood death and the afterlife more so than our modern theology. The priesthood has used the fear of death to manipulate and control the people while they get out of having to …
The greatest chapter about the topic of love is found in 1 Corinthians 13:1-13. It was penned by Paul who was of the tribe of Benjamin, he persecuted the church because he did not love the church then became its lover and its champion. So many men who claim to know G-d will do the …
A shark is a finely honed killing machine that never stops moving. Its prey is smaller fish and seals. It smells blood and is drawn to sounds that appear as a fish incapacitated to swim like a human thrashing about. One thing is certain they do not have clubs to stop this behavior as seen …
If you know the story of Gideon he began with 32,000 men and G-d brought it down to 300 men. It is a time when light pollution did not exist and sleeping under the stars was spectacular. “Now, therefore, come, proclaim in the hearing of the people, saying, ‘Whoever is afraid and trembling, let him …
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