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- The High Cost of Cheap Prices — 2 comments
- The great falling away now you will know which way without any doubt. — 2 comments
- Episode Seventeen — 1 comments
- Episode Twenty-seven — 1 comments
- Episode Eleven — 1 comments
The ability to not see clearly, the Bible tells us a prince of this world is the prince of darkness and it is he who has placed blinders over our eyes to keep men from seeing the truth that is light. In speaking of the Jewish people concerning their long awaited Messiah Paul writes to …
Charles Thomson was most noted for being the secretary of the Continental Congress of early America and the translator of the Greek Bible into English he was well read in the scriptures. The early believers of that time understood something that we have forgotten. It only takes a few generations, and soon the truth is hidden. That …
The lead image is that of puritan men and those who were not in league with the devil to keep the word away from the world. Those who opened the Bible were called Antichrist by the Antichrists. Too bad many Muslims would have found Christ several hundred years ago maybe even before Mohammed arrived had …
I have been provoked on several occasions and then have the enemy through the same provoker tell me I should not get angry. That doing so will ruin my testimony Satan is so clever. His ministers of light at the top of their game, still G-d promised that the devil could not hide anything from …
I was recently called a dirt bag by a man who played down G-d’s lamps in a sermon involving Genesis 15:17. Then after the message he left an opening for me to move in some sort of Smith Wigglesworth way. One cannot spit on G-d’s holy things then expect HIM to move mightily . If …
This may be my best one yet; I pray it is or should I say I wish it to be? We often hear stories of the magic genie who pops out of Alladin’s lamp and grants the holder three wishes, to us it is a story. However, what if the story had a smidgen of …
Every Government is made of man, and so it stands that every one of them will eventually fail. The reason is simple. Peace can only be obtained when the prince of peace brings it Isaiah 9:6. We are spirits like the angels of heaven and they failed for the same reason we are failing. This one …
In 2008 we had an opportunity to place a war hero in office a man with character who would have sought wise counsel from men noble in the cause of making America great. Our Vice President could have been a woman one who loved the Lord and did not deny HIM before men. In fact, …
The angels/ spirits that make up this image are in one accord each circle represents a spirit by age, and there are many young children’s spirits that aid in its composition. It is a fan, in a harvest, it is called a winnowing fan. The wheat for the master’s storehouse falls in the front while the …
[spreaker type=player resource=”episode_id=9710398″ theme=”light” autoplay=”false” playlist=”false” width=”100%” height=”200px”] There are ten kings who have not yet received their kingdoms one of these will be a traitor and his ride. He doesn’t want me a truck driver in the transportation business servicing Land Air Express. I obviously have designs on destroying his kingdom and setting captives …
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