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- The High Cost of Cheap Prices — 2 comments
- The great falling away now you will know which way without any doubt. — 2 comments
- Episode Seventeen — 1 comments
- Episode Twenty-seven — 1 comments
- Episode Eleven — 1 comments
He was the first shepherd. He offered the first sacrifice. He was the first Priest of the sacrifice. First to bring G-d out of hiding after having cast Adam Eve out of the Garden. First to receive G-d’s respect. (G-d’s Respect stretches all the way to the end of time. Respect goes a long way with …
Death is never an easy thing; it reminds us of our mortality. For the Christian, it is meant to be a time to honor the memories of the wonderful times the LORD had given us of spending with our loved one. In Christ, we are not to mourn as the world mourns but to celebrate the …
Romans 10:1 Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to G-d for Israel is, that they might be saved. What is G-d’s greatest desire? Is it not this? That all come to the full knowledge of the truth and that none perish and all be saved, not just Israel? When Pilate asks Jesus, what is truth? It …
Get noticed by G-d as being treasonous they easily get sucked into the wolf’s agenda where they begin debating such things as the size of the candles on the altar while fascism creeps in around them. They begin approving Idolatry and the mingling of the Holy with the unclean never seeing how they sided with the harlot …
When he arrives to set up his stay, it will be brief. He is given seven years to play the G-d who has no son. So there will be no love, no compassion, he gives no mercy. He will insist on devotions several times a day to him. He will have access to all …
Before man, the NEW WORLD ORDER begins. Jeremiah 4:28 For this shall the earth mourn, and the heavens above be black: because I have spoken it, I have purposed it, and will not repent, neither will I turn back from it. What is it that caused the heavens to shake and the earth to move …
Aristotle was the first genuine scientist in history … [and] every scientist is in his debt. This was a notation in the wiki concerning Aristotle he is the A in ADD or ADHD. Darwin and Dawkins both have names that begin with the Duh sound. Whose lives have been wasted trying to deny the existence of a personal …
The Bible says we are worse than an infidel if we do not provide for our family. It is a word we seem to be hearing a lot lately, and Allah is coming for his little seven-year rule, and I warn you he has no Son. That’s probably why he is so angry all the …
Satan’s greatest lie is that no one believes he exists except for Christians who know the truth and wherever the truth has gone Nations flourished and prospered. When we beat him back, G-d blesses us with revival. First, we have to know where he is and who is he utilizing the most to destroy the …
Cats love to play with their prey, have you ever watched a cat corner a mouse? G-d has cornered HIS rodent, and there is no backing away from what went down in election 2008 when one party purchased the other for 700 billion dollars. I do not have to prove that’s what happened to the …
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