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- The High Cost of Cheap Prices — 2 comments
- The great falling away now you will know which way without any doubt. — 2 comments
- Episode Seventeen — 1 comments
- Episode Twenty-seven — 1 comments
- Episode Eleven — 1 comments
I am in possession of a CDLA, those who do not have the endorsement should not be trying to drive an 18 wheeler. Heavy equipment of any kind should be avoided if one is not licensed to use it. You can hurt yourself and others…When it comes to the Holy Spirit, HE is necessary to have to be …
Genesis 6:5 And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Genesis 6:6 And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. (The 33rd act of …
Darkness doesn’t give us any credit for being wise beyond our years. It hates the thought that anyone would proclaim the SON of G-d and HIS Honor is worth the World. The truth is YES HE IS, and HE always will be worth everything. Except of course the status of being a god, I wouldn’t …
This topic was the subject line of a recent email, and I wanted to respond by placing this post on the matter. HIS evidence is all around us of HIS existence. He is about to in a very big way reveal Himself to us all. The story of what happened in heaven is laid out …
Monopoly is a game of strategy the winner takes all owns everything, the most important message in the real game of life is you can’t beat G-d. His creation wanted to become G-d and overlooked that G-d created the board and the pieces playing on it. The best card to have in the game of …
Do you have the HOLY SPIRIT? By the end of this, you will know if you do and how much of HIM you may have or not have. He will confirm truth HE is the third part of the Trinity; HIS focus is Lifting the name of Jesus up High for all to hear and …
How old was Abel before he was killed by Cain? We are going to get very close based on the information given us. No matter what we conclude he was the first casualty of the war murdered by his own brother. Jealousy is at the crux of it all, and it has condemned millions to …
It is just like darkness to be looking for their leader at the top of the hill. While saying on the other side of their mouth, G-d is in control. G-d chooses to set up one and bring down another. Jesus did not come to the elite Ceaser’s and Kings of HIS day HE came to …
The peace plan for the world is in only one book as is the greatest prize. We are in the last moments of the battle, and I have the world’s peace plan. Only the charismatic churches want me to include the church we had to trap to release the funds for harvest. I won’t compromise …
We need to let others know why the crop circles were made so that we can fund the harvest. To celebrate our Jubilee, our inheritance will tell the Jehovah Witnesses they were wrong, as it will the Mormon’s. The church that we will be taking the wealth from will also come into the kingdom after …
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