Crop Circle Cinomore

I reveal False Teachers, Camp Fema, Government Corruption from People I know who are telling the truth. Why? I’m truth that has fallen to the ground Daniel 8:12, Genesis 4:4 Revelation 4:4.

Simply use the drop-down selector to see the playlists saves me from making separate pages. Always looking for the easy way to get things done. As I find them I place them in my youtube account so they will appear here so keep checking back, and no, Protestants did not fail in the harvest as some will soon see we are just about to begin.

They laughed at Noah and his ark but he didn’t have this kind of technology!

Romans 3:4 G-d forbid: yea, let G-d be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged. (34 times the word RESPECT (a seven letter word) shows up in a King James Bible 3+4=7 while 3 x 4=12 and 1,2,3,4 are all the numbers one needs. WOW added together gives us TEN COMMANDMENTS and the first 4 deal with HIM!

I Love Harvest and Fishing Don’t You?

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There are more coming soon be sure and share them with ones you love, tell them Jesus is on His way. Watch for the marquee on the right announcing new videos. Rerum Novarum watch the video below to see the Catholic Church’s plans to take over the world. Is your pastor a secret Roman new …


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