Jesus cried out to HIS Father Luke 23:34 Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots. This is the only account we have of Jesus saying this, and it is found only in Luke’s gospel which was comprised on the witness of …
The following video is a PSA encouraging fatherhood. G-d is our Father, who is encouraging it also in the idea that hundreds of millions should be running out of the theaters into the streets directly …
To the Angel Over the Church of England
Getting the word of God into the hands of the lost was a significant breakthrough to the Salvation of many souls and thank you for your diligence, keeping King Henry from producing an heir for …
Dragons Fly This Dragon Has Been Pinned Down.
We war not against flesh and blood but against spiritual wickedness in high places who rule over the affairs of men. Like puppeteers, they direct us to war against God. Simply by hiding his …
Appealing to all Gamers
In every game, there is a winner and a loser. Today’s gaming industry is 18.4 billion in US dollars. So we cannot say we do not know or understand what a game is. In the …
The Ministers of Righteousness
One can not be a servant of the most high G-d if they ignore HIS teachings and not honor HIS commandments. Go forth and multiply was HIS first commandment for man. Satan hates children but knows his …
Missing a Father on Fathers Day?
Everyone is well aware of what Father’ day is. It is Motorcycle weekend in Laconia NH 6/16/2019. I attended Church and never went to one of those I love my bike more than my Father …
Confusion is not of G-d Flat Earthers Why Now?
Fact or fiction? Truth or lie? Jesus said this of our enemy Satan is a liar and the father of them John 8:44. In this passage, several things stand out one that has always intrigued me …
The Spirit of Odin alive and well and in the Church.
The following is from the wiki: Odin is a widely revered god in Germanic paganism. Norse mythology, the source of most surviving information about him, associates him with wisdom, healing, death, royalty, the gallows, knowledge, …
Hunting the Greatest Treasure
[spreaker type=standard width=100% autoplay=false episode_id=5449092] There are five reality shows I like to watch they are… Gold Rush, Prospectors, American Pickers, Pawn Stars and Duck Dynasty. The first three scour regions to find treasures that …
Episode Twenty-four
The truest wise men 888 adds to 24… Father, Son, Holy Spirit I jokingly refer to this one as the birds of Preterism. I’ll fly away…. [spreaker type=standard width=100% autoplay=false episode_id=3610808] Psalms 24:1-10 A Psalm …
Witnessing to the world.
Many Christians wear witness T-shirts to spread the good news. I like creating my own. I recently made this one front and back one that can unite us together in a common goal. On the …
Merry Christmas – Satan shall rise up against himself…
When his church the harlot of revelation sees the truth! Revelation 18:5-7 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and G-d hath remembered her iniquities. Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto …
A Dark Comedy It is Not. Nothing Funny About Losing a Soul!
Sadly, this has happened because of this gift we have called free will. It was also given to the angels who came before the creation of man. Who insisted on seeing the SON of man …
Why Does Everyone Expect So Much from the Little Guy?
I am such a let down I know just like Adam or Eve, everyone else could have done better or could do better. The very devil himself suffers the greatest disappointment in me and should …
Humans breed dogs but breeding man is the job of the spirits.
Like soldiers on a battle reenactment stage, so are the spirits shaping man’s future, the good trying to breed the violence out of us while the bad seek violence and cause it. Darkness moves those …
Forgiveness the call of the Cross ~ You are forgiven if you want to be.
- By Brother Abel
August 29, 2019
- 11 mins to read
What is Born Again?
- By Brother Abel
August 28, 2019
- 10 mins to read
I am so glad you asked. First, it is not a religion or religious it is a mandate an insistence by Jesus Christ himself John 3:3 going to church or infant baptism or swallowing magic cookies does not make anyone a Christian your priest, your pastor, your mom or dad cannot make you a Christian. …
Another for the Appointed Times List – Adolph Hitler
- By Brother Abel
August 27, 2019
- 17 mins to read
Faithful Christians and Jewish people know this name; it is synonymous with the devil to others, which is beyond my comprehension that he was a leader sadly missed. At the end of this post, I do his appointed time what lies between is how America decided his form of government was our role model to …
Bee Smart Bitter Waters or Sweet Water Which Will it be?
- By Brother Abel
August 25, 2019
- 6 mins to read
A test was set up to determine the intelligence of a bee. If the bees solved the math problem, they were rewarded with sweet waters, and if they failed, they received bitter waters. The honeycomb is the strongest and most conservative of shapes in nature. Inside the hexagon shapes, the queen bee lays her eggs, …
And Justice for All it says it right there in America’s Pledge
- By Brother Abel
August 24, 2019
- 17 mins to read
What did you know and when did you know it? “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” A good judge takes the time to study a matter King Solomon was the wisest man …
You Don’t Know Jack (Rubenstein)!
- By Brother Abel
August 23, 2019
- 9 mins to read
This man was ashamed of his heritage or he was being honest to why he and his brothers changed their last name to Ruby because it was easier to spell. This Jewish raised Jack would have us all believe he loved an Irish Catholic President. This was the deep south and in 1963 there were …
Iron or Clay there is no other Way and Which are You?
- By Brother Abel
August 23, 2019
- 7 mins to read
In the final kingdoms of man there is a breaking away from the legs of iron who have been ruling over the people who do not bend their knee or honor God’s word, each claims a place in the Christian faith but both have never known HIM. They act as if HE never came and …
The Whitehouse does not belong to the people but to the people who have the money.
- By Brother Abel
August 22, 2019
- 7 mins to read
The media always puts a spin on things especially when propaganda for the government is concerned. Who told us Hitler died other than his own people the people who excelled in the subject of propaganda and his system made it into an art form it lacked truth its purpose was to conceal from their own …
From Columbus OHIO to Boston Mass is 777 Miles.
- By Brother Abel
August 21, 2019
- 10 mins to read
Without making any stops total driving distance is 777 miles driving time of 11 hours, 29 minutes flight distance is 644 miles flight time of 1 hour, 47 minutes Many of our New England states are named after old England to keep us remembering where we are from originally and how it all began. Just …
The Final Battle the War to End all Wars.
- By Brother Abel
August 20, 2019
- 10 mins to read
You may think that my behavior childish at times. It is there to reveal the foolishness of the game evil began along with the fact Father himself referred to those who began this war as sottish children who had no knowledge of good but continually did evil. Sound out the letters to Babel and you …
The New World Order Not So New
Why there are many beheaded saints in the tribulation Why Ecumenism Fails For the Jewish People and the Church
Every serious seeker needs to see why the world is the way it is.
Whether you are a layperson or a minister this is a must read or be listened to on Audible . Especially lay, people, your minister may have been corrupted or is one who has betrayed the true Christ of Scripture by giving them any support. I had a nun in my family and I can attest to much of the truth of this material. America failing attests to it, and the crop circles attest to it.
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Featured Books - paid links
The Prophet
Muslims have been saved by reading this book. See how Rome guided the development of Islam, only to be double-crossed later. (We should do one of these for America) Read how the Virgin Mary is being used to bring that rebellious daughter, Islam, back into cooperation with "Mother Church." The global "super-church" is forming! (I wouldn't go that route I would be more for Jesus.)
I was led to Jesus by reading Jack Chick's tracts and became a Crusader.
More info →The Secret History of the Jesuits
Secrets the Jesuits don't want you to know
Out of Europe, a voice is heard from the secular world that documents historically the same information told by ex-priests. The author exposes the Vatican's involvement in world politics, intrigues, and the fomenting of wars throughout history. It appears, beyond any doubt, that the Roman Catholic institution is not a Christian church and never was. The poor Roman Catholic people have been betrayed by her and are facing spiritual disaster. Paris shows that Rome is responsible for the two great world wars.
More info →Jesuits (The Crusaders Book 20)
The Jesuits... like so many things in this world, they are not what they appear to be.
In 1540, Pope Paul III officially accepted "The Society of Jesus" (Jesuits) into the Roman Catholic system. Today, the current Jesuit General, Adolfo Nicolás, is respected and feared by every Jesuit as God Himself.
Who knows more about the Jesuits than the Jesuits themselves? This comic shows, from their own writings, that the Jesuits' real goal is to destroy true Christians and make the world submit to the Pope. That's why Jesus commanded His people to, "Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues" in Revelation 18:4.
This book focuses on the story of a family arrested because of the impatient actions of one Jesuit, whose indiscretion nearly unraveled the plot to destroy freedom and bring everyone under the control of the pope.
Read the fascinating history of the Jesuits, learned from their own writings.
How they formed, and why
The true purpose of Jesuit schools and colleges
Their blind obedience to their superiors.
Read why we are surrounded with Jesuit-trained operatives who don't wear a priest's collar, and are thus "invisible." See how they manipulate governments and foment wars, all "for the greater glory of God."
By the end of the story, the reader will understand that he cannot put his complete trust in any church, religious leader, or anyone else for his eternity, because nothing is what it appears to be. He must place his faith in Jesus alone. The Lord Jesus will bring the only true peace the world will ever know.
More info →God does the scheduling these people were special. We all know them!
Formerly God’s Appointed Times Now called the Divine Times
Joseph Smith Jr.
His birth date reveals the kind of Character he was going to grow into. Psalms 58:3
His date reveals what God considers what is wise and righteous. Proverbs 10:1-27 Pay attention to 27 Ever hear of the 27 Club? Brian Jones was 27, Jim Morrison was 27, Jimmy Hendrix was 27, Janis Joplin was 27
His date reveals the harlot who wanted his Presidential seat to bring false peace to the middle east. Proverbs 2:1-22
founder of Wal-Mart former overseer to the Japanese Concentration camps in America back in the forties and an Army intelligence officer a great Patriot and Protestant he along with the U.S. Government have something in store for you.
His date reveals he feared the LORD and he was outspoken on the deception of Ecumenism elect he knew who the woman of Revelation is. Song of Solomon 1:1-17 and you really need to see it in my context to appreciate it.
His date reveals the kind of character he was a soul winner Proverbs 11:30.
He wrote Pilgrims Progress only the Bible has sold more copies, his date reveals what we Pilgrims are escaping. Isaiah 1:1-31
he fathered the pre-tribulation rapture ideology and like John Bunyan showing us what we are escaping Darby reveals the tribulation. Isaiah 13:1-22
Surrendered to Mary Never Met Jesus.Psalms 115:1-18
Former Catholic Priest who did the right thing stopped treating people beneath him like dogs. Proverbs 2:1-22
Jesuit Educated Catholic Priest Cosmologist Father of Big Bang Theory. I have a theory to and it’s about the priesthood. Ecclesiastes 1:1-18
A Catholic Philosopher and Theologian Her life Points to their Theology. I can’t make this stuff up there it is God is out to save a billion or more? Isaiah 5:8–30
He and his stooges were students of Catholocism so are you surprised America is becoming the next Germany in the new world order they hate Protestants what can I say. Proverbs 4:1–27
Plot by Catholics to attack King James and Parliament of England. They don’t sleep well unless they are plotting evil. Psalm 37:1–40
The other side of Reformation in Germany who led to Hitler and blaming sin on other’s first Psychologists. He’s burning. Proverbs 16:1–33 Pay close attention to Proverbs 16:3
God’s not dead watch the Movie. You must see it in the context I wrote it in. It’s more for those who are under his spell. Psalm 107:1–43
founder of JPL laboratories Admitted to knowing and conversing with a Demon and Nasa thinks their smart?!? Just Nazi’s doing their thing robbing us of our money. Because he was a scientist he is special and has two numbers Psalm 94:1–23 the number for Plutonium and Psalm 131:1 the same numbers as Stephen Hawking.
Stephen William Hawking ~ Wheelchair Guy
He denied God throughout his life wrote books on the matter like he knew something his last book claimed there was no God incidentally he died on Albert Einstein’s Birthday of 3.14 the equation for PI what are the odds? Psalm 131:1 1 God revealed in 3 persons still 1 God.
Which translates into Read More Scripture or Sink Psalm 49:1–20
Hey NASA try Bible Study!
Indian Citizenship Act of 1924
We let them become American’s in their own land because we can’t love people like Jesus loves people because priests don’t teach who they don’t know. Psalm 51:1–19
Prior to WWI, the class system was in place and every good lord of their Estate took care of his house but they had what the devil wanted. Things are going to be different after COVID 19 I can guarantee it. Psalm 59:1–17
She took prayer out of school today she prays insistently begging for mercy but she was never merciful to the gospel or Christians. Verse twelve there are wicked women as well. Proverbs 2:12–18
Founder of the Jehovah’s Witnesses and creator of the Watchtower which is their authority and not the Bible. When they come knocking on your door remember this Psalm, Psalm 140:1–13
Mr. Old Hubbard went to the cupboard to fetch his dogs a bone but when he got there the cupboard was bare and none of his children go home. His religion is one of vanity and stoogery it belongs in Hollywood. His people are found in Isaiah 3:16–24
sang he did it his way, now wishes he hadn’t. Franky is cranky. Isaiah 17:1–14 verse SEVEN says every knee will bend.
founder of the group Rolling Stones his time points to God not being happy with the rod of the wicked that seeks to seduce the righteous. Psalm 125:1–5 He started out as a Christian a member of the 27 club his music seduced not brought praise taken while he had some light left in him. Psalm 125:1–5 Verse Psalm 125:3
a songwriter who wrote Rock and Roll is here to stay did not write for the right master and no it is not. Psalm 137:1–9
Admitted Satanist author of the Satanic Bible his picture was taken when he was 30 years old that’s what living for the devil will do to you. Psalm 115:1–18 the same as Pope John Paul but they served the same god in different ways.
The Answer is Here somewhere?
We Need to be like Paul of the Bible and Revere God.
By John Singleton Copley –
Public Domain, Link
Warn Everyone What They Plan on Doing!
Welcome to Genesis 11:9 Revelation 9:11 John 9:11 September 911
This is one of Seven sites there are six other sister sites identical to this one all three are connected to World Wide Servers Using CDN. Moses had to lead millions out of Egypt into the promised land. We have 7 billion we need to get to the cross. So if one site goes down, another comes online it will also handle any spillover I hope we have.
You are going to love heaven, but first you must love Jesus above all else!
The devil likes to play games hiding the truth is his specialty. He wanted to be King of the Hill and be like the most high G-d. For many of us, that’s Jesus who started in a manger. Father and I think being like Jesus is an outstanding goal. However, let us never forget where HE got HIS start …In a manger.
This site represents “God’s Offenders” servants who don’t honor HIS word or Teachings at all. They already have their own shirts and maybe trading them in for burkas in the tribulation.
I started with the purchase of twelve T-shirts Jesus started with twelve disciples do you think that twelve was good start?
Are you one of HIS T-Shirts for the right team?
Try and stay away from the black and white team they like to lie about their knowledge of God. You can usually tell when their lying there is an idol nearby or where they are living. They proclaim a restored priesthood after Jesus ended the purpose of it. Jesus came for the Jewish people first and wanted the Gentiles to win them to himself. That is not going to happen with idols.
Let us compel them that will listen to reason, to the cross.
This shirt is their teams and they are ruthless. Telling you that they know the Bible better than you. That they must do the interpretations leaving you dependant on them rather than the HOLY Spirit.
Can you tell Satan robbed me of a childhood? Worse than that he robbed many of their souls.
What the devil meant for evil, Father meant for good. Greater is HE that is in me and us than HE that is in the world.
There is “” Five kings and their entourage will work from here. One of Ten will be chosen to be the next world Leader and dictator! This all takes place very quickly. He wants seven years we will give him seven years after we finish Jesus’s Seven.
It will be reality TV at its finest and you will be entertained while being warned.
GR44.NET for the Serious Angler Jesus and I love to fish these fish are extremely oily but it’s on the outside. We wish to get it into the inside. When they breach the water they put up a fight many have been heard to say, ” We are not giving up our idols and we know G-d.”
LINK2TRUTH.COM men of wisdom like truth this one is still under construction. Minister’s of righteousness rarely understand truth it is truth that is the most important of our weapons. For instance, Mormon’s and Muslim’s can both speak in tounges, Hinduism has been known to slay people in the spirit?!? The truth that we are going to reveal is that G-d truly loves them. How? That when the church is gone they are going to see his mercy and take the slay ride.
Last and my personal favorite is how I began SHINEONJESUS.COM I came to many excited with what G-d had given me and the fire did not start because certain ministers began tinkling all over the matches.
“Do you know who I am???” One proclaimed as if I should be ashamed. Trashing my KJV Bible. One even said to me. I was not to consider myself better than anyone else, I have been trying to figure out how to do this without me being a part of it? While another AG elder and reverend called me a dirtbag.
It was all leading to this…
People like that are why I produced the worst one yet this one that will open many eyes. The name is a derivative of Genesis 11:9 and Revelation 9:11 which is why we had 911, to begin with. Come to think of it this is Jesus doing John 9:11 to us all.
Some people just don’t know how to play nice or have fun.
They will speak with new tongues. Mark 16:17 (b) I’m here to do (a).
Prepare Yourself For the Return of Christ.
Psalms 83:3 They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones.
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Live Music or Teachings While You Work or Browse.
America Land That I Love – Will the Papists Please Give it Back?
The devil said, “If I build enough pyramids in the world no one will catch on to what I placed in Egypt.” I say, “If I build enough websites yes they will !
Food For Thought
It still sits on the worlds top seven wonders. With a face of a man and a body of a lion, it faces east staring into the rising sun like the tribe of Judah. It stands from base to head 66 feet high and 240 feet long.
There are 66 books in the Bible the New Testament reveals to us the true Lion of Judah. The NT has within it 260 chapters placing us at Revelation Chapter 2 which is the 240th Chapter and verse. Revelation 2:24 to what depth will he go to mock G-d?
What is recorded in stone cannot be undone? The story tells it all.
Blessing those who bless.
Numbers 24:9
He couched, he lay down as a lion, and as a great lion: who shall stir him up? Blessed is he that blesseth thee, and cursed is he that curseth thee.
You had to solve the first mystery and puzzle in order to solve them all. He’s in me!
We are here to correct an error
G-d had named HIS symbol the LIon of the tribe of Judah, it represents him in the dirt in the shadow of the enemies new world order. If HE ever shows up I will make HIM my pet.
If the Son ever shows up I will make HIM my PET!
Linked to Meet Mrs. B. Eagle who will not soar with the Eagles because her church treats her like a dog.
Feeling a little guilty done something you shouldn’t have? Hide the WORD of GOD from the souls of men? Kill people for their property and things because they were Protestant? Use that stolen money to place a false messiah in the Whitehouse and manipulate politics in your pedophilic favor? You can have a cookie and feel right as rain for a little while and continue to condemn those who follow you to hell or you can give your life to Jesus and get a grip on reality that you don’t serve the Jesus of the Bible.
Watch This One Being Made! Less than 60 Seconds!
The winning move and answer to Islam does G-d have a Son?
See who is behind the gradual changing of modern Bibles. There’s no guessing about what these people believe. They will tell you, in their own words! See the real Antichrists.
The man who made Mitt Romney a Presidential candidate.
Doctor Steven Jones of BYU an LDS college had information that could have exposed the New World Order and their true agenda. Blackmail the only mail the wicked understand.
The image of the twin towers with its lines wrapped around the globe fall directly on the Vatican in Rome. G-d does not hold the Muslim’s accountable.
Done 6/20/2005 Stephens Castle. Dr. Steven Jones BYU was right it was an inside job. He was silenced and then Mitt Romney LDS behind BYU was placed in as a candidate. We know who it is behind it all. These lines wrap around the globe and fall dead center on the Vatican. The true axis of evil who fund it and do it. It’s their money in the Rothschild Banking System.
Those who walk with G-d agreed it was office fires.
Learn About Building 7 from Rethink Did terrorists work inside months in advance without the offices of the Secret Service and CIA aware? In 1999, NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani a Roman Catholic Christian constructed a $13 million emergency command retreat on the 23rd floor of World Trade Center Building 7—an armored, self-contained facility designed to provide a safe haven for leadership in the event of a natural disaster or terrorist attack. But several first responders interviewed after 9/11 claim that the Office of Emergency Management’s Emergency Operations Center (OEMEOC) was empty and “deactivated” as early as 9AM on the morning of September 11th, a time when just such an emergency was in full swing.
Seven is God’s Number is Someone trying to warn us of Something. Check out